Putting the New in New Mexico

Greetings in the Lord!

Recently I went down to Tucson, Arizona by way of driving through New Mexico. I had never been there before and usually fly to wherever the Lord sends me, but this time He put on my heart to make the road trip. It was wonderful! New Mexico is really pretty and the people were so nice. As usual, the Lord was pretty specific about where He wanted me to go.

In Las Vegas, NM, I met a godly woman who owned a hotel and I stayed there. As I was checking out in the morning I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit while we talked. She felt Him too, and instantly we knew we were sisters in Christ. This lady is an intercessor for the state of New Mexico and has been crying out for God's mercy and revival to come there, even witnessing miracles. Her son, who used to be a drug addict, is now a preacher spreading the Word and love of Jesus. Praise God!

As I drove south of Albuquerque a song I never heard before, an Indian chant and song of praise, filled my spirit and I sang in the Spirit as I drove. Before long I also had a vision of the land all around there shaking up and down like it was a tight leather drum head being pounded by sticks in rhythm--the heavenly beating of His heart. I discerned that revival was being poured out in that area! Then I saw a huge Indian dancing all around, praising God Almighty for His goodness. Yes, he was praising God in his own language, with his own music and culture, it was so inspiring and powerful.

In Tucson, I attended a prophetic conference and the main word given there was about healing and revelation coming from that region, a voice like John the Baptist crying out in the desert.

On my return trip from Tucson, the Lord had me stay the night in Santa Fe and I toured the old city, including the "Miraculous Staircase" of the Loretto Church. What an amazing piece of work that was! Then I toured the bookstore and the Lord drew my attention to all the Buddhist books in there, including a "Book of the Dead" written by the Dali Lama himself. It was a bit distressing to see those books being sold in the church store. Then the Lord drew my attention to all the other places that also featured false doctrine so prevalent in that city. It was definitetly a stronghold in that place, but I felt like the Lord was injecting His truth in that region like never before and that a real love for Christ will break out. Revival for New Mexico in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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