Greetings in the Lord!
I wanted to share a couple of incidents that happened over the past month or so. On September 5th I was walking in the trendy part of downtown Denver with some of my co-workers. On the street a young man asked me if I had registered to vote yet, as he was there getting people signed up. I said I had not and was glad for the opportunity to do it. As I was filling out the voter's registration form he asked me if I was a Democrat or Republican, which caught me off-guard.
"I thought you were supposed to be non-partisan," I asked him.
"Oh, I am," he said half-heartedly. I continued writing but wanted to test the waters, so to speak, so I asked him if he had watched the Republican convention the night before--the night that Sarah Palin made her debut. At my question his face scowled and he began to insult her and question the Repubican platform like a TV commercial....obviously, he was an Obama supporter. When I was finished he asked me again which party I belonged to and I was purposely vague. As I walked away I began to doubt if he was going to turn in my registration.
I waited nearly three weeks for my voter's registration card and it never came! Finally, I decided I would get my Colorado driver's license AND re-register to vote. Within a week I got my new license AND my voter's registration card. The entry date on my card was the day I applied for my driver's license, NOT the day I registered downtown. The young man HAD NOT turned in my voter's registration application afterall! In Obama's campaign push to sign up new Democratic voters, I wonder how many voter registrations did not get sent in like mine because the person presumed I was a McCain supporter?! Have you registered to vote...and received your card? Better make sure...
A couple weeks before that I had another incident. Late one afternoon I went to the post office to mail a letter. Normally I would have mailed it from work, but on this day I felt I really wanted to mail it at the post office. As I was getting out of the car I saw a man holding up a sign and I went to investigate...which there again, I would normally not do. It turned out that the man was a Democratic super-delegate in town for the DNC. He also was there on the part of La Rouche PAC, a non-partisan political action committee/think-tank organization that researches economic/social/politcal issues and informs the public.
He gave me some very interesting information about a man named George Soros, a key financial supporter for the Democratic Party and Barack Obama. He is a man we all need to be aware of. In an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes on December 20, 1998, George Soros told of how as a 14 year old Jewish boy, he denied his faith and went into service for the Nazis in the Economic Department of Hungary. His job was to assist in the pillaging of Jewish property and securing ways to economically profit in the anihilation of the Jewish people (selling their hair, converting their body fat into profitable soap products, etc). In the interview George said he learned right away that he could either be the one who got robbed and suffered, "or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away." (He adds, "Well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in (financial) markets...") He made his first fortune by selling the plunder he had "collected" after the war and moved to London.
In the UK George Soros entered the London School of Economics and studied under Sir Karl Popper, a radical economist who believed that the "civilized world" had a right to take control economically and politically Third World nations for the sake of "peace." Basically he believed those nations were not able to govern themselves. In no time at all, adherent to the Popper "principle" George Soros set out to use his money and economic "savy" to rob and cause economic chaos in poorer countries for his gain. By the mid-1990s he was under criminal investigation for attacking the Italian lira--which had earned him 400 billion Italian lira in a matter of days and caused the Bank of Italy to spend $48 billion of its reserves to defend its currency. Whether in Eastern Europe or Indonesia, the MO of this guy is the same: he conducts financial warfare through derivatives and currency speculation causing economic chaos and forcing nations to scramble to bail themselves out...while he runs away with billions. Sound familiar?
In this short blog I can only give you the "highlights" of his career (#1 causing so much financial crisis that he forced the European Rate Mechanism (ERM) to be replaced by the Maastricht Treaty, which later established the Euro and put all financial authority under one central bank--controlled by the Anglo-Dutch Oligarchy. Does that funnelling of financial oversight sound familiar again?
Yes, friends, obviously the United States of America is the coveted cash cow for this guy and his ticket is running for President. Does George even think twice about it? Well, in the London Guardian (Dec. 19, 1992) he has this to say: "I'm sure speculative actions have had some negative consequences. But that does not enter my thinking at all. It cannot. If I abstained from certain actions because of moral doubts, then I would cease to be an effective speculator. I have not even a shadow of remorse for making a profit. I did it only to make money."
~Be blessed and be a blessing.
I wanted to share a couple of incidents that happened over the past month or so. On September 5th I was walking in the trendy part of downtown Denver with some of my co-workers. On the street a young man asked me if I had registered to vote yet, as he was there getting people signed up. I said I had not and was glad for the opportunity to do it. As I was filling out the voter's registration form he asked me if I was a Democrat or Republican, which caught me off-guard.
"I thought you were supposed to be non-partisan," I asked him.
"Oh, I am," he said half-heartedly. I continued writing but wanted to test the waters, so to speak, so I asked him if he had watched the Republican convention the night before--the night that Sarah Palin made her debut. At my question his face scowled and he began to insult her and question the Repubican platform like a TV commercial....obviously, he was an Obama supporter. When I was finished he asked me again which party I belonged to and I was purposely vague. As I walked away I began to doubt if he was going to turn in my registration.
I waited nearly three weeks for my voter's registration card and it never came! Finally, I decided I would get my Colorado driver's license AND re-register to vote. Within a week I got my new license AND my voter's registration card. The entry date on my card was the day I applied for my driver's license, NOT the day I registered downtown. The young man HAD NOT turned in my voter's registration application afterall! In Obama's campaign push to sign up new Democratic voters, I wonder how many voter registrations did not get sent in like mine because the person presumed I was a McCain supporter?! Have you registered to vote...and received your card? Better make sure...
A couple weeks before that I had another incident. Late one afternoon I went to the post office to mail a letter. Normally I would have mailed it from work, but on this day I felt I really wanted to mail it at the post office. As I was getting out of the car I saw a man holding up a sign and I went to investigate...which there again, I would normally not do. It turned out that the man was a Democratic super-delegate in town for the DNC. He also was there on the part of La Rouche PAC, a non-partisan political action committee/think-tank organization that researches economic/social/politcal issues and informs the public.
He gave me some very interesting information about a man named George Soros, a key financial supporter for the Democratic Party and Barack Obama. He is a man we all need to be aware of. In an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes on December 20, 1998, George Soros told of how as a 14 year old Jewish boy, he denied his faith and went into service for the Nazis in the Economic Department of Hungary. His job was to assist in the pillaging of Jewish property and securing ways to economically profit in the anihilation of the Jewish people (selling their hair, converting their body fat into profitable soap products, etc). In the interview George said he learned right away that he could either be the one who got robbed and suffered, "or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away." (He adds, "Well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in (financial) markets...") He made his first fortune by selling the plunder he had "collected" after the war and moved to London.
In the UK George Soros entered the London School of Economics and studied under Sir Karl Popper, a radical economist who believed that the "civilized world" had a right to take control economically and politically Third World nations for the sake of "peace." Basically he believed those nations were not able to govern themselves. In no time at all, adherent to the Popper "principle" George Soros set out to use his money and economic "savy" to rob and cause economic chaos in poorer countries for his gain. By the mid-1990s he was under criminal investigation for attacking the Italian lira--which had earned him 400 billion Italian lira in a matter of days and caused the Bank of Italy to spend $48 billion of its reserves to defend its currency. Whether in Eastern Europe or Indonesia, the MO of this guy is the same: he conducts financial warfare through derivatives and currency speculation causing economic chaos and forcing nations to scramble to bail themselves out...while he runs away with billions. Sound familiar?
In this short blog I can only give you the "highlights" of his career (#1 causing so much financial crisis that he forced the European Rate Mechanism (ERM) to be replaced by the Maastricht Treaty, which later established the Euro and put all financial authority under one central bank--controlled by the Anglo-Dutch Oligarchy. Does that funnelling of financial oversight sound familiar again?
Yes, friends, obviously the United States of America is the coveted cash cow for this guy and his ticket is running for President. Does George even think twice about it? Well, in the London Guardian (Dec. 19, 1992) he has this to say: "I'm sure speculative actions have had some negative consequences. But that does not enter my thinking at all. It cannot. If I abstained from certain actions because of moral doubts, then I would cease to be an effective speculator. I have not even a shadow of remorse for making a profit. I did it only to make money."
~Be blessed and be a blessing.