Promise of Restoration

Greetings in the Lord!

Earlier this year, 10 months ago actually (January 13), I posted a dream the Lord gave me for this year.  It took place in New York City.  The gist of the dream was that I was watching and waiting for a beast to appear from the sea.  Before it came, the beast bought the loyalty of the people by showering them with gold coins and collector's items.  When people saw that they rushed to the scene to get theirs.  But I knew the beast was only buying their loyalty....and some of the others realized it too when they saw the "rare" autographed baseballs were not that valuable after all.  I yelled more warnings to the people not to follow the beast but they didn't listen. 

Then a giant storm came in from the sea and the city and coastline became flooded with water from the storm and raging waves of the sea.  In fact, there was so much water that a giant mermaid swam through the streets waving to the people pleasantly, then, came the beast--a giant Greek statue.  It floated through the flooded streets and people cheered like crazy.  "Be careful!" I yelled, "He's not what you think, he's dangerous!"  I left the streets in disgust and returned to the skyscraper to avoid being swept away by the storm and flooding.

When I returned to the skyscraper I saw that the statue suddenly came to life with a huge scowl on his face.  More people began shouting warnings about it and the statue grew angrier until he began to shoot lightening bolts from the black hole sockets of his eyes, taking people out.

Well, this dream represents the election of President Obama and all the deceptive hoopla that swept people away the first time.  It also predicts that Obama will grow increasingly angry and violent about the turn of people's hearts against him and towards all whom he perceives as "enemies."  These could be the ones who finally see through his propaganda speeches and deceptive talk--maybe the rise in solidairity of the American Church.  Lastly, and obviously, the storm that blew through my dream was very similar to Hurricane Sandy.  I believe the Lord is saying: "You asked for winds of change, you'll reap the windstorm."

But that leads us to the word the Lord is saying today.  Even though things may look bleak, His promise is that He will restore America and give her a global leadership again.  The storm, both literal and figuratively, has left massive damage and destruction, but the desire of His heart is to bring restoration and rebuilding back to the United States.  In fact, I believe this word to be not only for America, but a season of rebuilding in many places under the direction and favor of the US.  In Jeremiah 33 the prophet tells us that though the city of Jerusalem has been under siege and torn down in many places weathering the attack of their enemies, God was going to restore it and bring prosperity back to it.  That is the promise God makes to us today.  We must leave the old path and take the new way He is leading us to.  The Lord has raised up a "Cyrus" to rebuild the nation again.  Though the beast came in a deceptive storm and wrecked havoc for a time, the Lord has plans to restore America and bring reconciliation to other parts of the world as well.  Let the lifeless giant statue pass away and embrace the new things the Lord wants to do for America!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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