Farming to hit the target
Greetings in the Lord! This summer my father asked me to help him with the planting of his garden since he was recuperating from surgery. I groaned. "Ah, come on Dad, gardening's not my thing. It's your thing. Besides, I'm crippled too, I hurt my knee." "But if we don't do it now, it will be too late. The growing season is short enough as it is." Feeling like the ungrateful daughter, I relented. "OK, I'll plant beans; you can cover them over." So, together we started planting the green beans. I carefully dropped them into the shallow furrow, spacing them out just right and not clumping the seeds together. Still, no matter how careful I was some of the seeds rolled next to rocks in the soil or clumped together anyway, and I started to calculate just how fruitful or not this planting would be. Really dry, somewhat rocky soil, middle of hot July, rabbits, birds and bugs...maybe not so many beans this year. Hmm, farmi...