Scatter the Fruitless Fig Trees

Greetings in the Lord!

One of the things I've learned very well over the years is that God's timing is not our timing. I know, it's like, "You can say that again, sister!" right? ha Yeah, it's hard to wait...for good things, that is. For the possibility of unpleasant things to happen we can appreciate delay, hoping it never to come to pass, but not so for good things. We want them now. God's word speaks so often of timing, seasons, He calls it, that a special anointing was given to the tribe of Issachar to be able to discern the seasons of God.

So that leads me to today's word from Psalm 68 and Mark 11:12-14 and verses 20-21)

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." Mark 11:12-14.

In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!"
Mark 11:20-21.

To understand this incident we must know that fig trees in that region begin to bear leaves in the spring and aren't in full foliage until June, when their fruit comes out. But this fig tree had the appearance of full readiness, but yet, yielded no fruit. It was a deception and an impostor; it looked as though it could provide food and nourishment but had nothing to offer. That is the lesson to be learned here.

There are plenty of people, especially Americans, who have grown up in the Church and know God's word, yet, they are like the fruitless fig tree; they have nothing to offer a spiritually hungry person. They are an impostor because they have left the true way and live according to their own personal theologies, which are not based on the Word of God. It doesn't really matter how exactly they got off the mark, whether they be full of the world, arrogant, living a life of sin and indulgence, etc., but suffice to say that the Lord is saying: "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." There will be no more phony baloney from these impostors. They will be shown as fruitless and barren to all who pass by.

Additionally, Psalm 68 tells us that it's the time for God to scatter His enemies and show Himself mighty. Like the fruitless fig tree, they once grew comfortably in the soil, but now they will be "withered from the roots," scattered, and humbled. In times past I've received notes from people saying in essence, "See, nothing you said would happen happened to me;" but oh, the timing of God! They were premature in their notes, which exposed their arrogance on the day it was ultimately fulfilled.

So today, I declare that it is the season of the fruitless fig trees to be withered from the roots and the arrogant scattered by the hand of God. Even now as I write this I see the Lord bringing able bodies to replace those fruitless trees in the soil where they've been planted for too long, just taking and using the nutrients in the soil for themselves and bearing no fruit for others to be nourished. Their replacements will laugh in the joy of the Lord and praise will rise up from their lips as they celebrate the goodness of God.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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