Baby Growing Fast

Baby Growing Fast

Greetings in the Lord!

Today I had a vision while praying for the United States.  As I sat with my head bowed and the palms of my hands outstretched in front of me, the whole United States appeared between my hands, nestled there, as if it were a baby about ready to be rocked.  I realized the Lord was looking down from His throne and desired to rock us like a baby---gently, cooing as He rocked us, shaking everything from us that didn't belong.  Many small snakes shook out, those deceptive, violent voices, and old mindsets broke off.  Soon the rocking became like a sifting action, with fine dust falling through and valuable, solid nuggets left above.

A big separation in thinking is about to come on the United States.  A great polarization, but different than the division we have gotten accustomed to seeing in politics.  No, this separation is about an appetite for truth and it comes with strength and unity.  I saw this baby spitting out food that was too sweet---gossip, lies, propaganda, muddy explanations and clever stories.  This baby was not having it anymore and it quickly grew to a toddler, maturing and gaining strength as it refused to eat garbage.  I realized the baby in my vision was the American Church, and like-minded individuals, maybe those who grew up in the Church but had fallen away, become distracted for whatever reason.  But soon they joined the cry from the growing child---the cry was "Jesus!" and it was becoming louder and more insistent, unifying and getting stronger.

Next I saw within the body of the child, new, fresh blood being pumped throughout his body.  It went to the north (Dakotas and along Canadian border) and into lots and lots of little cities all throughout the nation like capillaries that were becoming wet and flexible with the pumping of new blood.  The main artery was in the middle of the nation---Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma and the beating of the heart pounded louder like a giant drum mallet on a large drum head.  My outstretched palms supported the head and feet at first, but this toddler grew so big and soon was able to move about and climb on my arms.

There is going to be a major spiritual revival to happen in the United States, and I keep hearing the cry, "Jesus!"  It is being birthed through great struggle, where some will turn back and some will resist vehemently, but blessed are those who stand firm till the end!  The din of lies and false talk will become white noise to those who stand for truth---they will not entertain any more smooth words.  Truth, justice, and love will bring them together and cast out any fear or doubt they may have had in the previous years.  Praise God!

Be blessed and be a blessing.


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