Wind or Windstorm?

Greetings in the Lord!

What happens when the leadership in a land becomes greedy, even exceedingly greedy, for gain?  When they use every means at their disposal to steal from the people they should be guiding with good judgments?  Even more, when those appointed by the Lord to speak against this injustice refuse to speak out and instead collaborate with these leaders, also demanding payment and kickbacks for their services, then top it all off by using their public positions to say, "Peace and prosperity are in store for the land under this leadership!"  What happens then?

Well, today's word is from the book of Micah, chapter 3, where the prophet was speaking out against the leadership of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and their cohorts for just this type of situation.  Samaria and all of the northern kingdom was an apostate nation at that point, living much as the surrounding pagan nations did: corrupt, idolatrous, and wicked.  They did not want to hear the word of the Lord because they had their own idols to worship and felt they were doing just fine in the "dog eat dog" world they found themselves in.  After all, the Assyrian empire was very busy conquering one place after another, and well, they had bigger fish to fry than to listen to one little ole prophet telling them to stop being corrupt and follow God's ways.  Go figure.

Well, that did not stop Micah from issuing the judgment of the Lord against them: on the day of their coming disaster the Lord will not listen to those leaders' cry for help, and the false prophets of the land will no longer see any visions or have the confidence to speak anything in public as they will be covered in shame for their false promises of peace and prosperity.  All will go down in flames, as is said, and there will be no one to save them, thus says the Lord.

History shows that Micah's word was indeed fulfilled.  Well, God's word doesn't change with the times.  Nations that become disobedient and willfully live breaking God's covenant will suffer the curses listed for disobedient nations.  Ive lived in such nations and can tell you that it's not a pretty sight.... and a little bizarre to see (or not!) with your own eyes.

For instance, I remember about seven years ago living in Albania.  For the first month I was there I couldn't see anything in the spirit---it was completely black, like I had a leather hood over my head!
Oh sure, with my natural eyes I saw lots of stuff: garbage everywhere, broken buildings, electricity always going out, stolen cars driving by, drugs being sold/used, prostitution, you name it, but in the spirit---nothing.  "Therefore night will come over you, without visions and darkness...The sun will set for the prophets, and the day will go dark for them.  The seers will be ashamed and the diviners disgraced.  They will all cover their faces because there is no answer from God."  Micah 3:6-7

The Lord was showing me one of the curses they live under there as a nation for their covenant disobedience---spiritual darkness abounds.  I never thought it was possible that it could be so dark in the spirit since I grew up in a nation that lives under spiritual blessings.  But I quickly realized one thing: these blessings were contingent on obedience to God's covenant!  No nation is exempt from that.  So, in reading today's word I understand that it is a strong warning that covenant curses are in store for unrepentant nations, and specifically, the United States needs to get back on track with God.  You voted for winds of change, but will you reap the windstorm instead?

Be blessed and be a blessing


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