New Year!

Greetings in the Lord!
Well, it's still January so let me acknowledge the New Year, 2012--may it be a wonderful one for you, faithful believer. On that note, I'd like to take a few minutes and share what I've been receiving from the Lord these past weeks in regards to this new year. I pray that this word will inspire and encourage you to press in and embrace the call upon your life; to lay down all that hinders, and to resolutely share the kingdom of God with others, letting His light shine brightly through you. Amen and amen!

Recently I've had two dreams that I discern tells about this coming year. Let me start by saying that I've not been one to watch or read any of the "2012" hoopla. It just hasn't appealed to me at all and frankly, I don't believe the hype. My personality is not one to jump on anyone's bandwagon, and if anything, I spend too much time in the backdrop evaluating and asking for discernment before I support or report on anything, whether it be about events, politics, people, or whatever. But these dreams have gotten my attention and renewed a sense of purpose to my life as a believer.

In the first dream I was in a very tall skyscraper in what I discerned to be was New York City. From the top of a skyscraper I was looking out over the harbor into the sea, keeping watch for a "beast" that was going to rise out of the sea. I was not alone, but was with my brother (which I discern represented brothers in Christ) and we all were alert and on guard. Then we noticed it was raining over the sea, not raindrops, but gold coins and autographed, collector's baseballs. We looked at each other and got excited! We left our high tower and ran to the coastline to fill our pockets and sift through the baseballs to find the really special valuable ones.

In the midst of the happy frenzy it suddenly occured to me--this monster was buying our loyalty and admiration! What a terrible trick--using money and rare collectibles to "buy" the people, even the saints! I started to yell at the people to stop and get back to the high tower and stay alert, and some others discovered the trick too when they noticed the baseballs were really not that valuable afterall. "There wasn't much that came out of the 80s; these aren't worth a lot," one disappointed Yankee fan said.

Then I saw masses of people getting on a huge ship in the harbor and I knew they were goners--that boat was a trap, it was going to sink! I screamed out warnings and some got off, but most did not. And as sure as I thought, when the ship pulled away from the harbor, down it went with all the people into the dark waters.

I rushed back to the tower as the rough waves of the sea submerged the coastline and streets in water. The beast was very close. As we prepared for a frightening presence to emerge, a beautiful, giant mermaid gracefully appeared. She swam through the streets with her leopard-print tail swishing around like a Macy Day parade and the people cheered and were enamored with her. I frowned at their response and booed loudly, yelling, "No, she's dangerous!" but people ignored me.

Just then came the beast himself. He was an enormous stone statue and didn't look threatening at all. Instead, this lifeless, huge Greek statue looking-thing was impressive and a bit awe-inspiring, I must admit. I watched as he floated effortlessly through the streets and the people clapped and cheered in delirium. "Unbelieveable," I said. I walked away in disgust and yelled over my shoulder, "He's a beast, don't cheer for him! Just you wait and see! He's dangerous, I tell you!" but few listened.

Back in the skyscraper I looked out of the window again and now this lifeless statue was standing over the waters and had a violent scowl on his face. Was he now alive? I was perplexed. As I assessed the situation the giant "living" statue shot lightening out of the deep black holes of his eyes and struck down individuals all over the place! "Run! Get away!" I yelled and at the sound of my voice he focused on me and zapped a bolt my way and missed--I cried out to God....and woke up.

~~For understanding of this dream I was led to was Daniel 3, the story about the giant statue that king Nebuchadnezzar erected in the desert for all to worship. Those that refused, Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego, were put into the fiery furnace. We know from the story that they were saved from being burned, but not spared the ordeal of being put in the fire. Clearly this dream is a warning that widespread trials are on the horizon for believers. But too, we can know that God will deliver us from those trials just like the three, if we remain faithful to Him.

The second dream was a bit different in meaning, but with some similar thematic imagry. I was listening to a black woman quoting Scripture to a group of men. She herself was not a believer (in fact, I knew she despised them), but was using Scripture to deceive these men into joining her group. Some of them bought it and another said, "I don't need you, I've got charisma!" and jump off a cliff ledge into raging waters below. He wanted to trust in himself instead of any religious "rhetoric." Others followed his lead and jumped as well.

Deep in the waters where the man plunged I saw again the "god" of the sea. He had a big beard and flowing locks of hair, just like the Greek mythology stories. The men who jumped into the sea were now being torn apart by a forked-tongue creature--who had once been a man but transformed into this creature.

When that creature saw me he was alarmed and swam off to the god of the sea to tell him. As the two were talking and discussing what to do, there was a loud roar! What could make that loud sound--a lion underwater? That made no sense but the roar was loud and clear, and unmistakable; I was amazed that it could be heard so well in the deep waters. "They're coming!" said the water "god" and he panicked. That was the end of the dream.

~~Naturally the dream had me scratching my head. When I prayed for discernment I was led to Ezekiel 43, especially these verses, 2 & 4-5: "...and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with His glory...The glory of the Lord entered the temple through the gate facing east. Then the Spirit lifed me up and brought me into the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple."

I discern that while this season will be one of great trials for the body of Christ, it will also be one of the Lord showing Himself mighty and holy, powerful in His revealed Presence. Look for amazing and wonderful things to happen this year--things we have waited a long time to see happen on earth, especially in Israel. Don't be deceived by the things of this world which are used to buy and entice and manipulate people's loyalties, but be faithful and devoted to Jesus, our King. God comes into His throne triumphantly victorious over His foes, and we follow in His footsteps. Praise God!


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