In the Night He Overturns the Wicked

Greetings in the Lord,

Today's word comes from Job 34:16-30, and frankly, it is pretty self explanatory.

 "Now listen to me if you are wise.  Pay attention to what I say.  "Could God govern if He hated justice?"  Are you going to condemn the Almighty Judge?  For He says to kings, 'You are wicked,; and to nobles, 'You are unjust.'  He doesn't care how great a person may be, and He pays no more attention to the rich than to the poor.  He made them all.

In a moment they die.  In the middle of the night they pass away; the mighty are removed without human hand.

For God watches how people live; He sees everything they do.  No darkness is thick enough to hide the wicked from His eyes.  We don't set the time when we will come before God in judgment.  He brings the mighty to ruin without asking anyone, and He sets up others in their place.  He knows what they do, and in the night He overturns and destroys them.  He strikes them down because they are wicked, doing it openly for all to see.  

For they turned away from following Him.  They cause the poor to cry out catching God's attention.  He hears the cries of the needy.  But if He chooses to remain quiet, who can criticize Him?  When He hides His face, no one can find Him, whether an individual or a nation.  He prevents the godless from ruling so they cannot be a snare to the people.  

We are entering a very serious time, when the strong hand of God will move quickly against the wicked.  It is time for His reset to begin in a major way.  Praise be to God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, who knows all and has a perfect plan for His people.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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