Be Vigilant These Days

Greetings in the Lord~

 Well, in light of my last post and in conjunction with my recent odd encounter, I feel led to share some of the events of my trip to Las Vegas, as they seem somewhat related.  Last week I went on an overnight trip to Las Vegas, as I felt prompted to go by the Lord.  This is not the first time the Lord has prompted me to go somewhere, but rather, this is a regular part of my life.  And I am obedient to go, as it always proves to be significant by the end/after the trip.  (Like obeying the word to go to DC to pray on January 6th, for example.)  

Anyway, I stayed in a "family" resort off the strip, one on the south side that I like and have stayed at before a couple of times.  Upon entering the casino, I made my way to the check-in.  After I left the desk area and started to meander around the casino floor, I saw a guy that had been on my flight from Denver.  I recall him being very friendly with the flight crew and took notice of him then: olive-skinned, wavy dark hair, outgoing guy about 5'8", jeans and T-shirt--nothing would normally draw attention to him except that he seemed like a nice guy.  Because of my first impression of him, I was going to say hello, but when he saw me, he ducked around a slot machine and disappeared.  I guess he saw the 'Bat signal,' I thought to myself, and really didn't think about him again.

However, the next day I saw him again at the LAS airport and was surprised that he was making the same quick trip I was.  I took a seat in the slot machine area as the waiting area was full, and in no time he was sitting at the slot machine next to me.  I began a conversation with him, saying I was surprised to see him again on this flight, and I asked him where he stayed while he had been in Vegas--certain he was going to say the same place I had seen him...but he didn't.  He said he had gone to Los Angeles to get a visa to "teach marketing" in Spain.  It sounded like BS to me, and since he basically just described my expat process/livelihood to a T, it seemed like he was "mirroring" me to build rapport/trust, an interrogative technique.  So I called him out: "You don't have a Spanish accent.  Where are you from?"  He looked surprised and stammered, "Iran.  My dad is Iranian and my mom Spanish" and then he went on to talk about his "bad Spanish accent."  So I asked him what languages he spoke, but interestingly, he didn't say Spanish.  Then he began this long confused monologue about how he had "finally arrived" to the U.S. a month ago and now was waiting to go to Spain to teach some marketing scheme which sounded like more BS, and then oddly, he pivoted to talk about how he was happy he had his car parked at the airport in Denver so he could just drive home when he got there, so I shifted gears.  I started talking about the cameras in the airport and facial recognition technology and all that and just as I thought, he made an excuse and ran away.  Weird, right?

So why do I share this odd encounter?  Because in light of the last prophetic word that I wrote and what is going on in Israel currently, it is imperative that we begin to tighten our security at U.S airports and other transportation centers.  Also, I had visions 20 years ago of terrorist attacks happening in our major cities in which people were being treated for radiation burns and fleeing to safety areas and makeshift hospital tents.  I also saw in these visions of explosives being made in hotel room sinks, which corrosive material had damaged the sinks.  So, while this encounter may be nothing at all and these visions were 20 years ago, it is a good reminder to be vigilant during these turbulent times.  God does a good job of preparing His people for hard times, and He can be trusted to get us through it even when things get ugly and fierce.  God alone is our refuge and high tower; He has given us His word (Psalm 91 and others) to declare over us to draw His presence near and call upon His power when needed. Amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     



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