Raise a Signal Flag Throughout the Land

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, in light of what is going on in Israel at the moment, I am leery about giving this prophetic word from Jeremiah 4, as it has to do with enemies from the north descending upon Israel.  However, it seems to me that this word is not about Israel, but rather, the U.S.  

"Shout to Judah, and broadcast to Jerusalem!  Tell them to sound the alarm throughout the land: 'Run for your lives!  Flee to the fortified cities!'  Raise a signal flag as a warning for Jerusalem: 'Flee now!  Do not delay!'  For I am bringing terrible destruction upon you from the north."  A lion stalks from its den, a destroyer of nations.  It has left its lair and is headed your way.  It's going to devastate your land!  Jeremiah 4:5-7.

Yes, it does seem like there is an alarm going off in the spirit realm right now, and it will manifest in the natural before long.  "Warn the surrounding nations and announce this to Jerusalem: The enemy is coming from a distant land, raising a battle cry against the towns of Judah.  They surround Jerusalem like watchmen around a field, for My people have rebelled against Me," says the Lord.  "Your own actions have brought this upon you.  This punishment is bitter, piercing you to the heart!" (verses 16-18).  

It is always hard to receive and understand a prophetic word like this, in fact, some people will write you off as fear-mongering.  But alas, I just give the word as I get it and explain it the best I can discern it.  So having said that, it does seem like in the not so distant future there will be a major security threat to come against the U.S., causing some to 'stay in place' for a period of time and others--in bigger cities--to flee the city.  

So, what do we do with this word for today?  It would be a good idea to have an emergency communication process in place for your family, extra food/water in the pantry for the next month, and extra gasoline stored in the garage to last a week or so if needed.  Better safe than sorry, I always say, and you can always use these things later anyway.  

So, like always, I pray: Lord, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; protect us in the coming days and prepare our hearts and homes accordingly; let us take refuge under Your wing and we put our trust and confidence in You, Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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