Verdict In: Daniel Is Found Blameless

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Daniel 6:1-28, the story of Daniel in the lion's den. Of course we know the story, but let's hear what the Lord speaks to us today through it. After King Darius issued the decree forbidding worship to anything other than himself for 30 days, Daniel "went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened to Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to God, just as he had done before." Daniel didn't even hesitate to break the decree! Of course, his adversaries knew he would do this and turned him in to the king when they saw Daniel praying to God for help. The king had no choice but to put him in the den of lions....then, Lord saved him.

So, Daniel, who deliberately broke the king's decree in order to remain faithful to God, was proved blameless after surviving the ordeal with the lions. In the midst of his enemies and the whole pagan Babylonian culture, Daniel's ordeal was the opportunity the Lord chose to show Himself as Sovereign God. To be sure, in this season of cleansing in the church, the Lord will let you go through ordeals to show Himself Sovereign to others, and vindicate you in the end. We are called to worship God in spirit and truth; unfortunately, in so doing we will have to debunk many man-made religious traditions to do that. Some of us will also be used to present His truth in the company of others' unBiblical opinions, personal theologies, and biases, to shine His light on their darkened "spiritual" truths, and build up faith in others where now self-fulfillment reigns. We live in a idolatrous culture which tries to paganize the true worship of Jesus Christ by compromising the Word with our need for self-righteousness and a "works" mentality. The Lord wants to use us, like Daniel, to show Himself Sovereign as we stand in faith, pray to God for His Will to be done on earth. Be caught praying to God daily! :)

Be blessed and be a blessing to others~


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