Praise Report

Greetings in the Lord!

Today I feel led to share with everybody the great and awesome things the Lord has done this week!
* The meeting with the university students was totally blessed! It was such a joy to meet with them, hear what the Lord has put in their hearts, and share the encouraging prophetic words from the Lord about the powerful things the Lord will be doing in and through them this year as the Holy Spirit is poured out in revival.
* At work, in addition to one co-worker being healed, another one was delivered this week from the New Age/occult. Then, the day after she got rid of all her fortune-telling items, etc. and gave her heart to the Lord, her husband, which had been laid off for several months, got recalled back to work out of the blue. Praise God! I would ask that you would continue to prayfully support her during this time as well, though, as her son also suffered from a freak horse riding and the Lord has put on my heart to continue to pray for protection over her and her family.
* Next, 2 more co-workers (unsaved and pretty resistant to the Word) came up to my desk this week and asked that I tell them stories about being overseas. I was able to then witness to them for about 30 minutes and they both were visibly very touched by the power of the Holy Spirit...please pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to melt their hearts so that they would have the opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord of their lives.
* A shout of praise for yet another hungry soul the Lord led my way to share about Jesus and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. This woman did not grow up in the church, but has been spiritually longing for so long that after witnessing to her for a very short time now she is completely absorbed in the Word! God is so good.
* And lastly, a big shout of praise to the Lord for another Walmart "God adventure." For a 2nd time the Lord has brought complete strangers to me to prophesy His words to them, resulting in their hearts being touched by the Spirit, His truth shedding light into their lives, and His presence lifiting their spirits. Praise God for His love and faithfulness.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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