Word for 2018

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, I finally received what I discern is a prophetic word for 2018 and I'm happy to share it with you.  Interestingly enough, on March 1st at 5:20 in the morning I felt the urge to get out of bed and go look out of the window.  In the night sky I saw a big ball of red--a blood moon?  It was very large and looked almost surreal by how red and big it was; it seemed to confirm my notion that we are entering a new and special season.  Anyway, the word for 2018 is based on two Scripture passages: 2 Samuel 8 and 1 Chronicles 18.  These are remarkably similar passages as they both tell about the exploits and victories of David in the land.   Nice one, huh?  So for us we can decree that 2018 will be a year for victory and of overcoming and eventually collecting the spoils of war (recompense for our troubles).  I don't know about you but I'm excited about this word!

With the strong arm of the Lord, David subdued his enemies, conquered kingdoms, and increased the realm of his kingdom. Now it wasn't like winning the lottery, mind you, he had to confront and war against his enemies to get the victory, but he did eventually get the victory.  And that while still at fierce odds with the descendants ("house") of Saul!  But even then, David's authority, strength and influence increased among the Israelite people and the number of his supporters grew with each passing day.  It was definitely a new season ahead for the battle-worn warrior, and it is the same for many of us.  Many in the Body of Christ have had everything but the kitchen sink thrown at us over the past few years, and not just spiritually speaking either.  But alas, God has enabled us to come out on the other side still intact.  And now, the cool waters of refreshment and winds of advancement are upon us.  2018 is a time for new levels of authority, new projects and assignments, and moving forward spiritually and otherwise.  Let go of the baggage of the past and go find your place at the banquet God has prepared for you.  Sure there will still be warring ahead, but we do so from the comfort of Christ's leading and the confidence that He has already given us the victory.  This is a message for all believers--old, new and returnees!  Yes, the trials of the past few years have ushered in many returnees as God in His mercy has released them from their spiritual bondage and set their feet in a spacious place.

Along these lines, in July 2017, the Lord had me post a prophetic word based on the story of the woman who anointed Jesus' feet because He had delivered and set her free.  The word went on to say that God in His mercy was touching people in the entertainment (Hollywood/music) industry and setting the repentant free, even those who had sold their soul for fame and fortune.  By September, two big names in the music industry--Kesha and Justin Bieber, were examples of this word coming into fulfillment.  But as stated then, deliverance is just the beginning.  After that, to keep your freedom one must let go of the past and choose to have a relationship with Jesus, pursuing righteousness in everything.

The same goes for this year of great exploits.  To have the victory, one must let go of the baggage of the past and take hold of the new things God is doing.  To emphasize these points, the Lord gave me a dream about a person who was showing people the dark basement where they had been trapped and eventually got out, escaping the clutches of the dark creature/spirit that lived down there.  But a voice from the crowd said, "We have to go upstairs--they are waiting for us at the wedding!"  Indeed, there is a wedding banquet to attend--this might even be a literal thing for Justin and Kesha and others, but for sure it is a spiritual appointment with the Holy Spirit this year!  It time to stop revisiting our struggles of the recent past and put on our banquet clothes to sup with our Lord this year.  Gather together with other believers and celebrate the goodness of God, for we are over-comers in Christ Jesus.

Now for a followup of the prophetic word given in December 2017 and Aug/Sept 2017.  The Lord gave the word to pray for various female celebrities in Hollywood saying that He was raising up a special crew of celebrity millennials to be voices of justice, truth and His light in that dark place.  Well, today again while spending time with God I saw many of these same female celebrities picking up banners that had a word on them like"Love," "Justice," "Peace," "Joy," "Truth," and so on that became their message throughout 2018.  The Lord also mentioned the need for "consecration," i.e. spending time with Him, before picking up those banners and running out to speak because there is mixture in the understanding of their message--God's words combined with thoughts based on worldly insights.  It will be important for all of us to separate ourselves from the mixture of worldly thinking.  On another note (pun intended), the Lord is raising up new pop stars that will bring His light to that industry, especially in their songwriting abilities.  One such name that comes to mind is Camila Cabello, but I expect there will be more.  As these pop stars submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit (whether they know Him or not I do not know) and ask God to purify their talents, God's anointing will fall upon their music and it will begin to break strongholds on the listener's mind and body, even bringing refreshment to nations.  The Body of Christ should keep these special singers in their prayers to keep them protected as they (unwittingly?) carry out God's purposes.  [Don't worry if these folks don't publicly identify as Christian. It seems that God is moving so mightily in the "secular" world that it hardly makes sense to distinguish between the Christian and not anymore!]  And from the summer of 2017, God gave the word about uprooting things throughout the land and afterwards Hollywood elites started being exposed for their bad behavior.  Well, I discern that the shaking isn't quite finished there, but more than that, Bollywood is going to undergo its own shaking with similar issues but also some unique to that culture/industry.  I expect that their shaking will have a profound effect on society there, maybe more than ours, since the same vile behaviors in Bollywood are more common and pervasive throughout their culture.  May the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

And lastly, a couple prophetic shout outs: to Angelina Jolie--though you have felt "ruined" by trying circumstances, I decree the life of Jesus Christ over you; you are not finished and will not perish, but you will continue to share God's love to the nations; just as you have adopted children of foreign nations, so the Lord has made you a mother to the nations; and you have not been a lone cavalry in your calling, dragon slayer, for an army of young celebrity "dragon slayers" will pick up their banners and follow your lead to the places the Lord will lead them; the Lord says, "Well done, good and faithful servant." To Haley Kiyoko--you are swimming in too deep of waters and the Lord says, "Come back in to the beach before you get too tired."

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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