The Ides of March Approach

Greetings in the Lord!

Yesterday and today I received Scripture verses from Isaiah 11 and Romans 3.  I took some time to ponder about those particular chapters for they are fairly weighty passages.  Then this morning I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Ides of March;" that got my attention real quick because that is a time-sensitive reference.  The Ides of March is the 15th of March traditionally.  So it seems that we are on the cusp of a new season entering in.

Now, while I am still in the process of discerning the fullness of what the Holy Spirit is saying, I felt the urgency to begin to put into print the direction I feel the Spirit is leading on this, namely, that we are going to be encountering some "turbulence" in the days ahead in the form of God's justice being carried out, which in effect, will pave the way for a period of relative calm and relief for those who have been oppressed and mistreated.  In the history of the Ides of March as it pertained to Julius Caesar, he was betrayed by his members of the Senate, killed, and a new era for Rome was ushered in which took it from a simple dictatorship over a nation-state to an empire.  Quite a transformation!  Likewise, I discern that a laying down of one will cause the many to flourish. 

Isaiah 11 talks about a person from the line of David (this can be a spiritual reference and not necessarily a literal issue of heritage) being raised up to execute God's justice and to make decisions in accordance with the will and righteousness of God.  He will not judge by appearances or make his decisions based on hearsay, but will articulate the wisdom and counsel of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit leads him and fills him with His words and power.  The effect of these decrees will be like an earthquake and "one breath from his mouth will destroy the wicked."

The righteousness of these decrees will be seen as it ushers in a period of calm and fairness for those who have been exploited.  Verses 6-9 of Isaiah 11 talk about cows grazing near bears, and wolves and lambs together, and so on.  It is a period of time when the oppressor is subdued; predators' mouths are closed and they cannot devour their prey or cause them harm as they had been doing.  The "natural order" of victim and victimizer is disrupted when these decrees are issued--and it is a God-ordained happening, irregardless of the opinions of people.  Like it or not, we are entering a time when God will be issuing judgments on certain situations and on-going conflicts that have devastated a lot of people, and He will open the door for a new season to enter in--one of restoration and relief.  It will be the well-needed break for people to re-calibrate their thinking and faith--to know that rules and religious laws are inferior to putting ones faith in God and in Jesus Christ, who forgives sin and gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.  Many people have suffered under the deception of empty religious legalism and secular mandates of political correctness, but when freedom comes as last, they will rejoice in the truth of finally knowing who Christ Jesus is and that He alone gives eternal life.  And they will know it was the hand of God that has saved them after all they've been through.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     



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