Athaliah Set Up in Babylon

 Greetings in the Lord~

So, last week the prophetic word of the Lord came from Zechariah 3 (and Amos 3-4 & Ezekiel 23), and this week it is more from Zechariah, chapters 5-6.  These two chapters provide more visions of what is to come, but they basically illustrate the word given last week and add a few more details.

First, in Zechariah 5, the prophet sees a vision of a huge giant scroll flying over the land.  He finds out from an angel that this scroll has words of woe and curses for the thieves and liars on the land.  In other words, it seems that the most prevalent sins happening on the land at the time were thievery and lying.  Hmmm...sound familiar?  And while these are definitely sins of common occurrence, we can also understand that they are part of a wicked mindset that has been embraced by the evil doers of the land, those that are rebelling against God and His laws, i.e. an antichrist or idolatrous mindset.  The curse allotted against them is that they will be banished from the land and that the curses will even enter their homes and destroy them as well.  These curses sound similar to what was decreed against Cain.  You might remember that Cain and Abel were the first 2 sons of Adam, and Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that Abel's sacrifice was accepted by God while Cain's was not.  How very similar to today!  

Today's woke/liberal mindset is akin to Cain's: he wanted to serve God on his own terms, give to God on his own terms, obey God on his own terms, and when God rejected these behaviors, Cain reacted with anger, jealousy, and murderous intention against his righteous brother.  That is the rage and jealous, foul anger we see happening in the woke crowd against the righteous and anything pious.  It is the same rage and hate we see against Trump and likeminded individuals.  I have long said that if someone hates Trump, that person needs to recognize their hate as rebelliousness towards God, for God has chosen Trump to be a stumbling block for the wicked.  I will say that again: Donald Trump is not a savior, but a divinely chosen "stumbling block" for the wicked.  He will cause the falling down of many people because his mere presence is meant to sift the nation, to divide the righteous from evil compromisers.  His love for the United States is meant to represent the love God has for this nation.  (And it's not an exclusive love, God loves any nation that will turn to Him and uphold His laws and covenants!)  But a time does come when the wicked and all those trying to snuff out the Light of Jesus Christ in this nation will be called to account for their ungodliness, while the godly will rejoice at the strong hand of the Lord moving among us.  The curse of "banishment" is the removal of one from God's presence, His blessings, and His goodness.  The rain may fall on the godly and the ungodly alike, but that is not the same as living under the shadow of His wing, or dwelling in His presence, or any of the other allegories we have of God taking care of His people.  If you seek to 'do it on your own' and want to lie, cheat and steal, the coming curse is for you.      

So how can we understand today's prophetic word from Zechariah 5-6?  Well, like I just mentioned, it begins with those who are in agreement with anti-God mindsets that enable them to lie, cheat, and steal without any regard of God and His laws; they will incur the curse of banishment from His presence.  And since most Americans are used to living under blessings, their coming change of circumstances will be a very rude awakening for them.  The void from the departure of God's presence may cause some to run back to Him in repentance, but for others not; but that is another blog.  

Next, we read about the vision of a wicked woman being in a large "measuring" basket who is then carried off to "Babylonia" by two female creatures.  This wicked woman--some call her "Athaliah,"  is to be set up in the temple in Babylonia.  I have already written and do believe that the totality of the sins of this nation results in the emergence of a wicked woman to sit in power for a period of time in "Babylonia," i.e. the United States, and have referred to her as "Athaliah" (but that is the demonic spirit at work, so named after the wicked daughter of Jezebel who came to power by killing off all of the rightful male heirs to the throne in Jerusalem).  Whew, long sentence.  And it's not just the sins of thievery and lying that bring this evil woman to the throne, but rather, the aggregate sins of "Cain" that were mentioned before--wanting to do all things on their own terms regardless of truth, integrity, justice, or obedience to any of God's laws.  It is a system of governance that flips its noses at submission to God and godly ruling.  The wicked idolatrous system of Babylon has its roots in the Tower of Babel story--where they wanted to reach heaven on their own terms, a self-righteousness that circumvents God's righteous requirements and edicts--just like trying to institute a fake voting system that purports honest elections while printed off ballots are brought in through the back door and voting machines that change Trump votes to Biden votes with ungodly algorithms and contrived "correction" of electronic votes.  The simple fact remains--you cannot build a tower to heaven, and any system based on dishonesty, greed, and violence will not rule the world for long.  But I digress....  

Anyway, the passage in Zechariah goes on after that to talk about the releasing of four chariots to the four corners of the land.  These chariots are being pulled by different color horses, which as you can guess, are similar to the colors of horses mentioned in the book of Revelation (red, black, white, and grey).  Therefore, we can discern that also during this time of the wicked woman in the basket / Athaliah, both before and after, there will be great trouble on the land.  Red symbolizes anger/protests, black is famine or financial hardships,  white is war and violence, and grey is death or extreme hopelessness.  Doesn't sound good, huh?

Yet, by the end of chapter 6, we read about the re-installation of Joshua and Zerubbabel over the land to govern and re-build it for the Lord.  Amen!  So, once again, we see that the last prophetic word is given again today, only this time in visual form.  Praise God for His perfect will and providence over all things!  The Lord truly has a divine reset plan in place, even though it may look seriously chaotic and desperate at times, we can trust the Lord.  No matter what may be going on or how it looks like the enemy of our souls is "winning," the Sovereign Lord is victorious in the end.  He will turn the tables on His enemies; they will be uprooted along with all of their schemes and the righteous will praise the Lord for His divine justice and mercy.  Joshua, DJT, will be re-instated in leadership once again over the land to lead in the re-building process--Amen and amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.

PS Though bots are used to show hundreds of readers, I know my blogs are meant for a few eyes, those in decision-making positions (and the wicked ones who envy the righteous). 


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