Even Though, It is Well With My Soul

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Jeremiah 37:9-10~
"This is what the Lord says: Do not deceive yourselves, thinking, 'The Babylonians will surely leave us.' They will not! Even if you were to defeat the entire Babylonian army that is attacking you and only wounded men were left in their tents, they would come out and burn this city down."

~Yesterday and tonight I watched the TV documentary/drama of "Path to 9/11." I thought the program was interesting and appreciated the fact that the program took its time in presenting all the ist incidents that led up to 9/11...including our policymakers official positions, as well as all the counter-activity that went on by those in the field that seemed to of had a better understanding of ist activities and intentions.

So, at the end of the program as I milled over what I had seen, I felt the overwhelming urge to ask the Lord what He thought. I recalled all the words He had given me in the summer of '03 about judgement coming to America for her wicked and arrogant ways. Then, I remembered the visions the Lord had given me about nuclear testing going on in the desert by Arab men and about chemical being made in hotel rooms, and about many people having to flee to refuge shelters and being treated for radiation sickness. I prayed tonight, "What should I be thinking about the situation in America now--three years after those visions and words?" That was when the Lord had me turn to Jeremiah 37:9-10. Fellow saints, I share this with you so that you can understand the urgency of this hour, not so that you will be afraid. We have nothing to fear, our God is our Shield and Stronghold. But we must know and understand why the Lord is allowing our enemies to raise their hands against us---our nation is overrun with arrogance and complete disregard for the Lord--many still think we can just bring our troops home and we'll have peace and prosperity again. Today's word from the Lord assures us that will not happen. "Seek Him while He may be found!" and "Trust the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength!" That should be our rallying cry as we reach out with more eagerness to share the redemptive love of Christ with others. Let not your hands hang limp nor your knees be weak, but be overflowing with the boldness and power of the Holy Spirit this hour to be a faithful disciple of Christ Jesus. Amen and amen.


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