Winds of Change Sweeping

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Isaiah chapters 13-14, of which I will share selected verses:
"Raise a banner on a bare hilltop, shout to them; beckon to them to enter the gates of the nobles. I have commanded my holy ones; I have summoned my warriors to carry out my wrath--those who rejoice in my triumph....The stars of heaven will not show their constellations will not show their light....I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless...Therefore I will make the heavens tremble;...See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants nor will they look with compassion on children....The Lord will have compassion on Jacob; once again He will choose Israel and will settle them in their own land....Aliens will join them and unite with the house of Jacob....And the house of Jacob will possess the nations...They will make captives of their captors and rule over their oppressors."
14:3-7) On the day the Lord gives you relief from suffering and turmoil and cruel bondage, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended! The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers, which in anger struck down peoples with unceasing blows, and in fury subdued nations with relentless aggression. All the lands are at rest and at peace; they break into singing."
~There are a lot of things going on in today's word, but the essence of it is that "Babylon" is overcome and subdued by a people the Lord raises up to do His bidding, and Israel will be set free from its bondage. I discern that today's word is preparing us for a series of serious events in which the "Babylon" structures and principalities that have been set in place in and over our nation will be challenged and brought down, with the righteous people of the Lord rejoicing at its fall. This may take the form of unjust and immoral laws being overturned (abortion); international policy changes; and our economic system, i.e. globalism, being more fairly restructured for the world. The mention of the "Medes" in this passage I do believe refers to the present-day nation of Iran, and that they will have an active role in some of the dismantling of "Babylon." So, I pray a prayer of thanks to the Lord, who prepares His people and will be their source of strength and security during what seems to be a painful process, but ultimately will lead to our freedom and promotion. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


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