Roll Up Your Sleeves

Greetings in the Lord!

I hope everyone had a great Easter celebration! I, too, was able to enjoy mine, even while working in a day visit to a prophetic conference being held in Chicago. There's never a dull moment with the Lord. :) At any rate, I wanted to take a moment to share with all of you a recap of what the Lord has been saying to me these days, even confirming things He had dropped into my spirit as long as two years ago.

On the way into Chicago I got off on a smaller highway that passed right through Plainfield, Naperville, and other towns of suburban southwest Chicago. I had an open-eyed vision of a preacher/teacher being blown out of a pulpit, then from under a tree, and finally from a small hilltop. I knew that these images represented Old Testament idolatry. It was interesting, too, that at the same time I saw this vision that there were many large churches, larger shopping malls, and brand new residential districts of beautiful homes all along this stretch of highway. Wind storms will blow through this area drawing hearts back to Him...

At the conference I had a few conversations that I know in my spirit were divine appointments. The words the Lord put in my mouth to share were along the lines of: "Roll up your sleeves and get to work." Yes, stop chasing conferences and do what you've been equipped to do. I found myself encouraging and instructing them in much the same way that Paul does to Timothy in 2 Timothy chapter 2. The nice thing was that the Lord confirms His word...after the last session one of the people I spoke with came up to me and thanked me for our conversation. The Holy Spirit had spoken to their heart. Praise God!

Lastly, there was a partial confirmation of a word the Lord had given me two years ago. In it, the Lord had said, "The '7 hills upon which she sits' are New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, St. Louis, Houston, Atlanta, and Chicago." The word was referring to chapters 17 & 18 of Revelation, of which the United States sits economically upon these hills. These cities are targeted cities, both for an amazing move of God and also for attacks by the enemy. Prophetic speaker Jeff Janzen shared the similar word he received last year from the Lord--specifically about Chicago, in which he saw 2 fire balls hit Chicago. When he asked the Lord what those were he was told, "Fires of revival and judgment." The season of acceleration that we are in now is for a purpose, His purpose of sending us out to reach the lost and unsaved. The Lord will confirm His word with signs and wonders, but who will preach it firstly? Who will be the light in the darkness? "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth....In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."
(2 Timothy 2:15, 20-21.)

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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