Can't See the Forest Thru All the Trees

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Micah chapters 1-2. Those chapters speak of God's intense disapproval of the prevalent idolatry, corruption, and immorality in Samaria and Jerusalem. While in verses 2:12-13 God promises deliverance for the remnant of faithful believers in those nations, overall the chapters foretell of certain judgment to Israel and Judah for their sinful ways (eathquakes and enemy attacks)...yet, false prophets spoke against the words of Micah.
2:6-7) "Do not prophesy," their prophets say. "Do not prophesy about these things; disgrace will not overtake us." Should it be said, O house of Jacob: "Is the Spirit of the Lord angry? Does he do such things?"

The answer is a most resounding 'Yes!' The Lord loves us too much to let His people run rampant in sin all their lives--thinking that right is wrong and wrong is right. Righteousness is not democratic. The Lord is holy and His Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. The message today is to remind us that we as faithful worshipers of Christ cannot live and believe as the rest of our secular and godless world lives. Our God is a consuming fire and this is the season of purification.

Search our hearts today O Lord and help us to see your ways.


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