Build Your House Upon the Rock

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Isaiah 22:1-14. Those verses talk about how the people of Jerusalem simply went on with business as usual, while only attending to the obvious weaknesses in their city structure, after the Lord spared them from a major attack by their enemy in the past. They "saw that the City of David had many breaches in its defenses; you stored up water in the Lower Pool. You counted the buildings in Jerusalem and tore down houses to strengthen the wall...but you did not look to the One who made it, or have regard for the One who planned it long ago. The Lord, the Lord Almighty, called you on that day to weep and wail, to tear out your hair and put on sackcloth. But see, there is joy and reverly...eating of meat and drinking of wine! 'Let us eat and drink,' you say, 'for tomorrow we die!'"

The word of the Lord is saying that this attitude has gripped our nation as well. As a nation, we have not repented and returned to the Lord after our wake up call from 9/11; instead, many spend their days continuing in godless and secular pursuits, behaviors, and mindsets--content to debate on how we should fix our government/nation and protect our borders without turning to our Protector for safety and provision. But listen and understand:
"The Lord, the Lord Almighty, has a day of tumult and trampling and in the Valley of Vision, a day of battering down walls and of crying out to the mountains." (Isaiah 22:5).

The prophetic word says that though we strive for national protection, our efforts are in vain if we do not turn to and rely on the Lord, our true Protector. Now is the time for Christians to draw near to God, to seek His face and dwell in the high place of our Lord, our Rock. This is a season of great shakings; come build your house upon the Rock. Though the winds will blow and water will rise, our house will remain firm in God's care.


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