First Day Posting

Greetings in Christ!
Today begins this blog journal from the far reaches of Upper Michigan. However, it is far from the beginning of prophetic words to share or places I'll be writing from, Lord willing. Over the past 5 years the Lord has sent me to near 15 countries to prophesy to and now it seems He will have me stay in my homeland for a time to testify of His goodness and power here, to a nation that is entering a new season of major change--for building up and tearing down; of standing firm or losing footing; of walking tall or stooping under burdens--it is for us to choose wisely and of our willingness to walk according to His ways.

Let me start by testifying what God is doing in our quaint and off the beaten track area in northen Michigan. In July 2004 the Lord put on my heart that He wanted to pour out His Spirit on our area with gifts of healing and deliverance...and revival! I began to prophesy His words to other Christians who were hungry for revival, spiritual gifts, and more of Jesus in their lives. After the Lord sent me for a brief time to Albania, I returned to the area in the Fall of 2005 and a small group of us gathered together to share our faith. In December we decided to have an informal worship service at a small church in the community...and the Lord poured out His Spirit upon us! One woman was delivered from an addiction and a man in the advanced stages of lung cancer was relieved of all his pain. There were other healings too.

This past Monday we met again. This time there were over 70 people present from more than 6 cities! Once again there was a deliverance for a teenage boy from a demon and many were healed of various aliments: kidney problems, hearing loss, depression, arthritis, and more. Praise Him for His goodness!

Before the meeting an interesting thing happened for me personally. As I was driving to the church I looked up in the clear sky and had a vision of a violent windstorm twisting and knotting the clouds up in the sky. I discerned the windstorm to be the Lord's 'winds of change.' Those winds are upon us...everything that can be shaken off us will be. While the spiritual eagles among us will hold out their wings and use the windstorm to fly higher, those who are like trees full of lifeless branches and leaves will be blown bare. "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8:7) Refining and purifying begins in the Church.

"You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men....Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, 'Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.'" (Mark 7:8,14-15).

What is Jesus saying? Our heart condition is what matters to God. Expect the Lord to give our hearts a good scrub down with the "laundrer's soap" this season. Out with the old things in our lives: rigid religious mindsets, emotional baggage we carry as trophies, foolish and sinful habits and opinions. And when He calls, "Come and eat your fill at my table!," don't be the one who tells others, "But first you must wash your hands, then, take YOUR place at the table, and don't talk with your mouth full!" Instead, go and eat; be full with the good things of God and share His love and righteousness with others.



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