Goliaths Will Fall

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from some familiar stories, one from the book of Daniel, two passages from Matthew, and the last story from 1 Samuel 17. Each of these stories talks about things that will be happening in this next season.  So, even though it will be a bit turbulent, we can still be excited about what God has in store for us.

The first story from Daniel 2 talks about Daniel being able to know and interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The story goes that King Nebuchadnezzar had disturbing dreams in his sleep and woke up so perturbed that he demanded his wise men not only interpret his dreams, but to tell him the dreams that he had or be killed!  Naturally, only Daniel could do this after praying to God Almighty. Well get ready people of God, the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart that He wants to work through his people in this next season in much the same way.  To put them in situations where only they will have the answer, and that by God's counsel. The Lord wants to elevate His people, to put them head and shoulders above the rest as a sign of distinction and blessedness, all for the glory of God. Even Daniel was quick say he was no wiser than anyone else, but that he served a God who knows all things and can do all things, our Maker.

The next story everyone knows very well, it is about David and Goliath. Get ready to see some Goliaths fall in this next season as very unassuming, "out-matched" David's are now being raised up and put into place to take them down. This can be in the media, in politics, in business, wherever-- and all done publically, to be seen by all. It's not a good time to be on Goliath's team, let me just say. I will also add, that at times it may be hard to know who is on whose is team! That leads me to the last passage of scripture from Matthew 26:6-16.

In this passage we have two contrasting extremes: Mary anointing Jesus' head with very expensive perfume illustrating her devotion to the Lord, while Judas goes to the high priest to get money to betray him. Both of these two people were "followers" of Jesus, but their actions showed whose team they were really on! Turbulent times are good for that as well-- it can reveal what people are really made of, and who your true friends are.

Anyway, I'm very excited about the roller coaster ride coming up, as I've always been a big fan of roller coasters anyway, and I'm getting even more excited to see how this prophetic word plays out both at home and abroad.

~Be blessed a be a blessing.


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