Trump Visits the UK

Greetings in the Lord~

Today I quickly saw a headline that Donald Trump will soon be visiting the UK, and really didn't think too much about it---and I really didn't associate it with the passage I had read earlier in Ruth chapter 3.  There we read that Naomi decides it is time to find a husband for Ruth, since she has lost her husband and all her sons, and encourages Ruth to lay at the feet of their kinsman redeemer, Boaz. 

However, during my prayer time, the Lord began to show me a familiar vision, one that begins with a loud roaring in the spirit---the lion of Judah has awakened!  I've heard and seen this a couple of times before about the UK and posted about it, the first of which was a month before the riots took place in South London a few years back.  At that time the Holy Spirit was talking about the people of the UK needing to "find their voice," meaning that they had been living under a stifling spiritual oppression of political correctness, racial hatred, poverty and other things that had rendered them silent---the riots were significant in that it showed them how they were being looted and stolen from and disrespected by hateful foes.  They could no longer deny that they were being overrun politically, socially, economically, and spiritually and it was a sign to many that a true change was needed.  The riots were a sign that their "houses/businesses" were indeed burning and it was time to assert themselves----to get their "house" in order.

Fast forward past the many trials and atrocities the UK has endured since then to now to today's vision of seeing masses of white men yelling with all their might, fists high up in the air like after a goal at one of their beloved soccer matches, all for Donald Trump.  Yep, a sizeable portion of the UK has found their voice and will be acknowledging his leadership with vigorous, long yells of renewed strength and optimism.  Their boisterous cries come from a very deep place in their spirits--deep calling to deep--of the sense of freedom they feel, no longer trapped and held down.  Those deep spiritual cries from the depths of their beings is like the alpha lion staking his claim, asserting his authority and dominion over the land---like the roaring lion of Judah, it is a godly yell that will drown out the din of opposition.  I also see women crying when they see him, weeping for joy and relief and long-awaited comfort.  In the spirit I hear church bells ringing out all over the land, ringing and ringing and ringing, calling out in jubilance a song of adoration---thanking God and Jesus for raising up a type of kinsman redeemer to lead and to take care of them in a sense. 

I don't want to go on too much about this as some will take my words out of context.  We do not worship earthly leadership, but rather, we can be thankful to God when He raises up a "deliverer" type of figure like what happened so many times in ancient Israel with Gideon, Samson, Deborah, and many other godly judges to spearhead a movement of victory and renewal in the land.  God cares about His people very much and delights to bring deliverance and restoration when people cry out to Him, and guess what, God uses everyday, flawed individuals like you and me (and Donald Trump) to do it!  Make no mistake about it--much of the conflicts were see in the world today have spiritual roots---the children born the natural way make war against the children of God.  That is what we read about in the book of Galatians.  But our God is a good God and does not let us stay in oppression forever.  I discern that Donald Trump's visit with the Queen and the UK will go better than expected and that many in the UK will feel encouraged by his presence and dare I say, his sweet words of comfort and support and encouragement.  May he live a long life.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.       


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