God's Perfect Work in Us

Greetings in the Lord,

Today's word comes from Micah 6, especially verse 6.  This familiar passage gives us a glimpse into the heart and character of God in a gentle, yet direct way:

O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. 

It is a passage that by default denounces a "religious" mindset---one that elevates man-made religious rules, judgments and sacrifices higher than the true heart of God, and it gives no room for self-righteousness or self-importance.  When you love mercy like how God loves mercy, you cannot go on treating others with contempt and hatred, or taking advantage of people and situations at every turn for your own benefit.  And to 'do what is right' is not following a religious requirement to the tee, but rather, it is a moral obligation to live with integrity with all people and yourself; to do to others as you'd have them do to you.  When you lie, cheat, and steal, especially because it is in your power and ability to do so, you are acting arrogantly towards God and definitely are disrespecting, and possibly, abusing people. It shows that you have hate and arrogance in your heart---two things that the Lord detests.  That's why no sacrifice would ever be acceptable to God to wipe out these mindsets and behaviors.

I recall one situation in Lebanon over ten years ago.  I was walking with my teammates along the bay walk and there was a distraught woman on the ledge, contemplating to throw herself down upon the rocks far below.  While local people were trying to talk her out of this, our small group discussed whether she would go to hell or not if she did indeed kill herself, since suicide is forbidden in the Quran.  Immediately the above verse from Micah 6:6 came to my heart.  This was a teaching moment about God's mercy.  So after I listened to my teammates debate the matter, I said, "No, look at it a different way.  The Lord requires three things of us: to do good, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.  Our job is to have mercy on her, not judge her.  And the right thing to do is to help her.  That's it--nothing more, nothing less.  God will decide the rest."

It's interesting that if one were to follow the above verse, but not ever have a chance to know the Lord God Almighty or study His word, they would still be in a better position than one who claimed to know the Lord but did not live like that.  In essence, it matters greatly how you treat people---irregardless of your justifications for your behavior or your judgments about that person or situation. 

And, because Israel had God's word and priests to teach them God's word, this chapter in Micah is God's indictment against them for their detestable ways.  The Lord was simply explaining why He is allowing trouble and ruin, discontent, lack and confusion to come to them.  It is His way of getting His people's attention and to return to Him, back into His care and following His guidance again.  I expect that the second half of this year God will be using this corrective measure to bring many of His people back into alignment with Him again.

It seems that one big problem of the American Church, for sure, but for other families within the Body of Christ, too, is that we really don't live according Micah 6:6.  And in today's world with the increasing influence of anti-Christ beliefs, mindsets, mentalities, and behaviors, we must quickly get back to the basics, so to speak, of what God requires of us as Christians.  We need to get rooted and grounded more securely in His truth for the rush of waters that will be coming ahead.  "Powerful delusions" as is discussed in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 are increasing around the world today.  Thank God that He gives us perfect situations and difficulties to get us back in alignment with Him so we will remain firm in our faith in Jesus Christ.  It is truly God's perfect love being expressed in our lives when that happens.  No discipline feels good at the moment, but if we allow it to do its work in us, we will come out better in the end.     

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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