This One Was Born In Zion

Greetings in the Lord!

Psalm 87 is a bit unique, in that, it lines up more with the endtime prophecies of Isaiah talking about the ingathering of all nations unto God, including those people groups that were previously and traditionally opposed to God and His servants.  This psalm talks about these once opposers as now 'citizens of Zion', so to speak, or as being included in the family of God because they have allowed their hearts to get in agreement with His good and perfect will for their lives.  It's really quite encouraging and heartwarming to think about.  I discern the word for today is that we are on the cusp of this happening on a large scale, a time and season of reconciliation of people unto God--even those that were historically opposed to Him.  I believe this coincides with the election of the president of the United States.  Just as the first election was significant, as if each person was lodging their vote in heaven, so I discern is this one...and blessed are those who have changed their vote!  For I feel that while under this future leadership the prophetic word is that we will enter into a season of reconciliation of many nations and people groups, I am still leery of an Obama administration.  Even though the word for reconcilliation is positive, my heart ponders how it will be achieved under these two very different candidates.  Will it be true blessings with an honest administration, or manufactured "blessings" from a deceptive and violent one with a messianic complex? 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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