More Firestarters Please

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, it's been a little while since I've shared anything so I wanted to give a quick update. The month of March was a busy travel time with trips to AZ, NM, and all the states between CO and MI! lol Since I've already written about the AZ/NM trip, I will tell about the drive from CO to MI.

It was my first time trekking all the way across Nebraska, so I was driving with some expectancy to "see" what the Lord was up to there...but honestly, didn't see a thing. In fact, it wasn't too long before I turned my attention to the CDs and DVDs I brought and really just zoomed on through the state not noticing the passing of the time. In fact, it struck me as odd that I did that--and all the music and movies were secular, too, unlike the praise music, sermons, etc. I normally listen to as I drive. There was a storm following me the whole way, however; high winds and snow followed my path. It seemed as if I was surfing on the crest of a wave, just riding along not aware of the power of the water beneath me. Actually, that was what I discerned in Nebraska, that the people in general were just riding along, preoccupied with the routine of work and play and not much else. It was as if there was no interruption in the vitality of the state, as if life was going on as usual...and not too hungry for dramatic change in their lives either. In a nutshell, there seemed to be no hunger for the Lord, it was like soggy wood, not dry enough for a fire to break out. On my return trip through Nebraska though, I did feel the presence of God in the sunrise, as if the breaking of a new day was about to happen.

This past week was a gathering in Colorado Springs for a movement that Dutch Sheets is spearheading calling for and directing reformation in the Church, to preach "His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (The main point is unity and strategic alliance among the States to have prayer centers and other initiatives to establish the kingdom of God in the many different sectors of our culture, government, etc.) While at that conference, I met a lady from Nebraska that confirmed much of what I discerned from my trip through the State--many of the Christians she knew were "soggy" with the world, not dry and in need of His water.

I shared with her my story about how the Lord had me start fires every day at my cottage one summer. He was teaching me about "fires of revival." One time it had rained for 3 days and all the wood was soaked with water, but I still very much wanted to start a fire! After many attempts and using nearly all the newspaper I had I hung my head in frustration. Just then I felt a presence behind me and on the ground was a bone-dry piece of wood. I smiled at what the Lord had provided and used it to start a fire with the remaining wet wood. In no time the fire warmed other wood to be burned as well. The point of the lesson: when all there is wet wood ask God for a dry piece--one dry heart can ignite a fire of revival in a place!

She became excited and said she was supposed to go back to her church and give a report of the conference and didn't know what to share--until now. In essence, she was going to be that dry piece, telling them about the call for reformation from the conference and ignite hearts for Jesus.

Likewise, there was another lady at the conference who lived on a watercraft with her husband. The Lord showed me a vision of a fire burning on water, like when there is an oil spill and it catches flame. I prayed for her to receive the fire of the Lord and take it with her wherever the Lord sends her, as they travel around quite a bit. I discerned her "inheritance" was the water, the marine community of people to minister to and share the gospel with. She was so excited! She had felt a calling to evangelize and minister, but because of their untypical living arrangement, she wasn't sure if she was hearing right or not. The Lord gave words of validation and encouragement and empowered her with His Spirit to go and speak and set hearts ablaze for Him. Praise God!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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