Enemy Ousted!
Greetings in the Lord! Sometimes I really have to laugh at the dreams God gives me! Like this morning's dream, for example. At the start I was out in an open field watching in disbelief as a huge gold and silver/white spaceship was coming down to land. Three giant landing arms unfolded to support the ship on the ground, and one of those landing-pad arms nearly crushed me! No sooner had it landed, gold and silver beings rushed out from the ship and started zapping everyone--people were fleeing everywhere. I immediately played dead, as if I had been crushed by the ship's landing-pad arm and watched the scene unfold. As I was watching, I recalled reading a book about this event already and that survivors had sought refuge in a secret room in a building. The room was discreetly hidden in back of another room, so it looked like nothing more than a small storage room. Now I was naked (only in a dream!) and decided to flee there. To my surprise, when I got there the secret room had ot...