No Frogs in this Palace

Greetings in the Lord!

Recently I read a prophetic word about God using dreams more to communicate with us in this next season, and more specifically, to show or reveal to us the schemes of the enemy so we can be aware and awake to follow God's guidance through, around, over, whatever trap is being planned against us. So, I prayed about it and began to be expectant of these dreams. Well, true to form, the Lord has been showing me things--some on a personal level and some I believe for the Body of Christ. I will share that one, needless to say.

In the God dream I had I was in a small boat, like a log flume ride at an amusement park. Sitting at the top of the slide in the boat, I waited for my turn to descend down the slide--meanwhile dirty water kept coming over the sides of the log boat filling mine up. I was afraid I would not float once I was down the slide. Sure enough, after I went down the slide I landed in a cold sea and started sinking to the bottom! I was so scared as I sank through the dark murky waters and my vision was blurred. But after awhile my eyes adjusted and I saw clearly the marine life swimming all around me--sharks, ugly fish, and other inhospitable creatures! Soon enough I rested at the bottom of the sea and saw before me a small dark cloud swirling above a hole in the sea bottom. It looked like something was being spewed from that hole and causing a black swirling current just above the hole...and even though I did not want to investigate, I felt I had to. As I moved closer I saw an eye peering back at me and I was scared. Then, from out of the black hole, the whole head of a frog appeared and stared at me. It was so foul!

"Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty." Revelation 16:13-14

Obviously, the frog I saw in my dream was similar to the type of demon that focuses on spreading lies to lead people to accept and support the cause of evil. So, practically speaking, this can be someone demonically influenced to spread gossip to gather people unto themselves and exclude those who really live for God and practice righteousness and truth. Similarly, it can be a case of a person trying to exclude or ostracize another person the Lord has raised up to be a spiritual leader--kind of like those elders that banded together against Moses. But whether we recognize this evil behavior in spiritual terms or actual conduct we can know that the root cause of it is demonic...and on the increase.

Taken that frog imagery together with the deep, dark sea in my dream (spiritual realm of unfaithful/rebellious people), and I discern that the Lord is talking specifically about how this demon "frog" is spreading lies to spiritually unfaithful people to mislead them from knowing or practicing truth, and gathering and using them against faithful Christians at this hour. It is a simple tactic of using those who may or may not go to church--but certainly have no real relationship with God--against devoted believers of Christ Jesus.

On a much larger scale, it was the same demonic tactic used against the German Church to gather "believers" to Hitler. The evil propaganda was used to amass the weak and unfaithful behind Hitler and to ostracize and eliminate those who would openly oppose Hitler's wicked agenda against the Jews. It is a very subtle and effective form of persecution: "join or die." While that is an extreme example, the verse from Revelation about the "frog demons" talks about how it comes into play again globally in the End Times. Therefore, we cannot underestimate the destructiveness of this type of demon, and as Christians we would be wise to determine right now that if we are ever "pressured" into ostracizing another Christian because of what we may have heard about them, that we will stand against it! If more Christians would be privy to this one particular scheme of the devil and determine right now that we would not cave into its subtle persecution we would strengthen the Body of Christ beyond belief. Prideful liars and gossips, "frogs" have been released among us, so to the Body of Christ I say, "Stand up! Submit (humble) yourselves to God (and His ways), resist the devil and he will flee!"

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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