Bald Eagle

Greetings in the Lord!

From time to time I get asked about dream interpretation--how to know when they are "God dreams" and how to discern their meanings, and the like. That's why I often share my dreams and their meanings on this blog, to give inquisitive and maturing Christians insight into this form of communication from the Lord.

So, having said that, I'd like to share another dream I had this week. Just before I woke up on Monday I looked above me and saw a man with a huge bald head looking down at me. On his face were really wide nose nostrils, like little black caves in his face, and he had an open mouth with missing teeth. I could almost smell his bad breath as I woke up startled, wondering, "What the heck was that?"

After pondering the dream, I understood some of the dream language I have already learned from past dreams:

* A big bald head that looks like a rock is a stubborn or hard-headed person; I've had dreams before where a person was even breaking wood planks over these bald "rock heads" and it didn't even bother them. It is indicative of that person's spiritual condition for sure, and in this week's dream I've even thought maybe it was a type of rebellious/stubborn spirit.

*Missing teeth is usually a sign of someone telling lies or spreading hurtful gossip about someone. The fact that I could almost smell their bad breath makes me think it was someone very close to me, almost like a friend.

*Large and Deep Nostrils was actually a new one for me so I waited for the Lord to give understanding from Scripture on this. He led me to Isaiah 2:11-22 which talks over and over about how the Lord has a day to humble arrogant people who reject His ways and trust in themselves for getting what they need in life.

"The arrogance of man will be brought low and the pride of men humbled; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day, and the idols will totally disappear....Men will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from dread of the Lord and the splendor of His majesty, when He rises to shake the earth....Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account (esteem) is he?" Isaiah 2:17-19, 22.

The "caves" that men flee to in the passage are like the nostrils I saw in my dream and are referring to the day when these arrogant people will be searching for shelter or means after the Lord takes away what He had provided to them and what they arrogantly took for granted or attributed to the work of their own hands.

It's interesting too, that a further study of verse 22 also uses the same verb for "to stop" that is used of those Israelites who "stopped or gave up on" believing in the Messiah--the only One who they should be putting their trust in. Therefore, like many places in Scripture, the wording has multiple meanings for the readers and in this case is saying: you who had trusted in God and have since rejected Him and not esteemed Him should cease from trusting in man.

This particular passage in Isaiah also has significance for me as it was the passage (Isaiah 2:6-4:1) the Lord gave to explain about Hurricane Katrina. In the big picture, the man in my dream is not only a particular person, but is also representative of a pervasive attitude and mentality (arrogance in trusting in themselves) of many US Americans. Our generation has grown up with the idea that material prosperity and social/religious/cultural freedoms will always be there and the Lord is saying--nope. Those were His blessings, and the blessings came with responsibilities and obligations that our godless generation has abandoned. America is simply being disciplined by the Lord to help them return to Him. Want to get some one's attention? Mess with their bank accounts and jobs, right?

I would encourage you to keep the United States in your prayers, even though I know some readers of this blog are not Americans and may struggle to find sympathy for the "richest nation on the planet." Just remember, we are one body in Christ and that there is a remnant of faithful American Christians who have been generously serving Jesus with their time, talents and finances and need your prayerful support during these days.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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