Time for Daniels to Arise

Greetings in the Lord!

This summer on my vacation to the States I had an interesting conversation, one that I knew was being led by the Holy Spirit. As I discussed with my brother's family about working abroad in Korea, the Lord quickened my heart to discern that many Americans will have to seek employment abroad--not just teachers of English as a Second Language. Many in the auto and steel industry, fishing and maritime industries as well. Computer, electronic, even those in the social sciences and medical industries will be venturing abroad! Yes, more and more Americans will be finding opportunities abroad and will be in God's grace as they pursue those jobs, too.

It is not a coincidence that American industries are drying up, even the public education systems, medical and public services, and fishing and farming as well. It is a time of change in America, directed by God's own hand. He is shaking everything that can be shaken so that people will begin to let go of their own ways and pursue His ways, His perfect and loving ways. Tough love, I guess that what they call it.

At any rate, "when the people ask, 'Why has the Lord our God done all this to us?' you will tell them, 'As you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your own land, so now you will serve foreigners in a land not your own.' " Jeremiah 5:19

Did you know that the grace of God was on the Israelite exiles as they had to move and live in a land not their own? Not only did they prosper, but even the nation that they had to move to prospered because of their presence! And there were other very significant things to happen during the Israelite exile: their worship of God became inward and heartfelt and not a ritual of just 'going to the temple to pray;' synagogues were created and small assemblies of Jews could worship God and share true fellowship with each other; they had to endure persecution for their faith because they lived among pagans. And that persecution forced them to decide who they really worshipped--God or idols. As a result, the Israelites grew more spiritually mature in God and became more "purified"--no longer could they compromise God's law with pagan doctrine or they would be lost completely! Daniels came on the scene and many other righteous people were able to stand out from the crowd with God's blessing and hand on their life for all the surrounding nations to see--and be amazed!

I would invite anyone to research and see all the changes that happened in Judaism as a result of their exiles to see how God's grace was in the midst of those upheavals...and know that good things are on the horizon for the United States during her own time of "upheaval and exile."

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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