White Horse Advancing

Greetings in the Lord!

I want to share with all of you a dream I had this morning and the Scripture verse that went along with it. In the dream I recall looking at the concrete base of a huge statue of a horse and rider. On the base were the Olympic rings that indicated an association to Greece. As I stepped back to look at the horse and rider statue I focused on the rider for a moment: he had long flowing hair, almost like that of a woman, but had weapons strapped to his body and a bow in his hand. The horse almost seemed as if all its legs were not touching the ground but simply suspended there, which was impossible for a statue. I tried to think of the supposed meanings of raised horses' legs in statues: 1 leg raised meant the rider was wounded in battle but survived, 2 legs raised meant they died in battle, and all four on the ground meant they survived all the battles and died of natural causes. But this horse statue had all 4 legs in midair like it was charging into battle! Then I noticed something, the horse and rider were not made of the same material. The rider was a black metal while the horse was a lighter stone material---a black rider on a grey/stone horse. Immediately I thought of the horse mentioned in Revelation 6, a war horse of the antichrist. And the meaning of the Olympic rings on the base of the statue? Well, Antiochus Epiphanes, the first prototype of an anticchrist figure predicted in the book of Daniel, was a Greek.

It was about then that I wanted to see what passage of Scripture the Lord would use to give more insight into the dream, so I opened my Bible. I turned it to Daniel 11:25-45, the passage about the kings of North and South making war against each other and also against the "holy covenant", or Jewish people. This passage also predicts the rise of a king of the North that appears as an antichrist figure. He exalts himself above all gods and blasphemes God, and sets out to make war against many nations. With much success he overcomes nations and rewards those loyal to him with with land and power, while doing his enemies in. "He will also invade the Beautiful Land."

It seems as though we are in a new season of heightened activity against God's people, and especially against Israel. Earlier this week I read another call for God's people to pray and intercede for Israel during this time, and for the Church as a whole. As a praying people we ought to pray for God to move on their/our behalf--to protect and bring all the plots and advances of the enemy to nothing. Lord, we pray for the well-being of Israel, that you would not sleep nor slumber during this time of vulnerability, but would pour out Your wisdom and strength. We thank You that we can at all times and in every situation put our trust in You.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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