Time for Daniels to Arise
Greetings in the Lord! This summer on my vacation to the States I had an interesting conversation, one that I knew was being led by the Holy Spirit. As I discussed with my brother's family about working abroad in Korea, the Lord quickened my heart to discern that many Americans will have to seek employment abroad --not just teachers of English as a Second Language. Many in the auto and steel industry, fishing and maritime industries as well. Computer, electronic, even those in the social sciences and medical industries will be venturing abroad! Yes, more and more Americans will be finding opportunities abroad and will be in God's grace as they pursue those jobs, too. It is not a coincidence that American industries are drying up, even the public education systems, medical and public services, and fishing and farming as well. It is a time of change in America, directed by God's own hand. He is shaking everything that can be shaken so that people will begin to let go o...