Poker Face

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, I'm just gonna tell ya upfront that the Lord has been talking to me and showing me about a subject it is past time to deal with, and maybe not one that is discussed everyday in church: sexual purity. And along those lines its been specifically about sexual sin (including homosexuality) within the church. Now the group focus is for the twenty-somethings, but let's just be real here, its a message for all age groups. In fact, this word specifically deals with the "Poker Face," or the ability some have to hide their true intentions/desires to others until an opportunity comes along for them to seize the moment and act upon their hidden feelings.

Oh, it looks like their actions are done out of the blue, but that's just because everyone had bought into their poker face and didn't know what feelings were brewing underneath. Many don't know how long the feelings had been growing inside of those poker face wearers, how long they had been feeding into their carnal thoughts until a situation--an attractive person comes along, whose beauty, intrigue, compassion or attention is like a spark flying on bone dry's funny isn't it, how quickly the fire starts to rage with just one glance? And quite possibly, this message is more poignant the older we get...the dryer or more thirsty the experienced poker face wearer becomes as the years go by.

Does this make you feel uncomfortable to read? I mean, after all, Christians shouldn't be talking like this, right? Wrong. In fact it is time to bring deep darkness into light--sexual sin abounds in the Church because many are dry timber, feeding into carnal thoughts, dreaming of having just a sip of water to satisfy their thirst. Some will even drink from a mud puddle because it's readily available, while others look for clean water in a trough, but it's not fresh flowing water, nor their own fountain (husband/wife), which the book of Proverbs counsels us to drink from.

"Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious! But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave." Proverbs 9:17-18

This is a serious message for us to take a hold of. Sexual sin not only destroys marriages, but it corrupts and can destroy the inner man, our spirits, and chip away at our faith in God. And that brings me back to the younger Christian generation, those who are trying to find suitable marriage partners or simply growing up with all the pressures and temptations of our secular culture--sexual purity is so hard to maintain...and what about those who struggle with homosexual urges? It's time for Christians to get real and begin to get honest with God, themselves, and others. We cannot afford to keep wearing 'poker faces' at church anymore on any issue, but especially in regards to sexual sin. God sees beyond our poker faces and knows our thoughts and actions; He is readily available to give strength in times of need, guidance among the perilous road of temptation, and wisdom to those who esteem Him and His ways. We don't have to live wearing 'poker faces' at church!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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