Kelce, Swift and the NFL

Greetings in the Lord~

For a while now, the Lord has been putting on my heart the NFL, which I really like the NFL, but in this case, it's for a most annoying reason.  Namely, the Lord has been highlighting to me the wicked schemes of those who are trying to tap into that fanbase to interject their ridiculous anti-God agendas.  (These evil folks are none other than the global elites, who love their occult practices and are the eager earthly hands of the antichrist.  It sounds so stupid to state the truth bluntly, but in fact, there is a cohort of evil people doing just that.)  

They were not satisfied with putting on occult Super Bowl half time shows or getting weak-minded athletes to take a knee at the anthem.  No, they had to buy off major supporting corporations (like Bud Light) to push their perversions, and buy off key decision-makers in the league to allow a transgender cheerleader and other such nonsense.  But now they are trying a more subtle approach--they are sending in their minions, the pop star witches (male and female) who do their bidding.

I discerned something was up when I read that Hailey Steinfeld was "dating" Josh Allen, the quarterback of the Buffalo Bills.  But since she is only a mid-level pop star, there was not much attention about that.  In fact, I thought maybe that was the real deal romance.  But no way with T. Swift and Travis Kelce.  This has industry plant written all over it.  

There is no doubting that Taylor Swift has been doing witchcraft in her shows and music career for quite some time--there is overwhelming evidence to prove that.  Maybe she chose to do it on her own or maybe she was "asked" to do certain things by industry elites, but either way it is happening.  And witchcraft over people is strongest the closer in proximity and relationship you get with them---so look out Travis, and Patrick Mahomes.  For it is no doubt, that Travis was chosen for this ridiculous charade to get at Patrick, because Patrick has been so outspoken and demonstrative with his Christian faith.  Anyone who has a public platform and says they are a Christian, etc. will be tested by witchcraft, these days.  So it makes sense Travis was chosen--may as well get two birds with one stone, right?    

At any rate, it will be interesting to watch the Chiefs this season: either Patrick will succumb to unseen evil forces and begin to change/compromise, thereby I would expect the Chiefs to be in the Super Bowl, or Patrick and Travis will reject iniquity and both struggle against the demonic forces and their team will under-perform.  The same goes for Josh Allen and the Bills.  In fact, anyone who gets involved with a witch, especially from Hollywood or the pop music industry, will be forced to make that decision--succumb to demonic forces and have success and riches--and lose your soul, or refuse to be a part of it and struggle against the wiles and reprisals of those industry elites.  It doesn't mean you can't still be successful, but it will require a true heart devotion to the Lord and His protection, power and providence.  And like we've seen with Kanye and Brittney Spears, once you've made a contract with the devil, it is hard to get free and you may end up pretty messed up afterwards. 

So, while I've never really prayed for the preservation and purity of sports before, I am now praying for the protection and preservation of all those professional athletes who call themselves Christian, for they are being targeted and tempted to use their talents for evil.  I pray a ring of God's fire to be around all of the coaches and players that pray to God before games and will give Him all the glory for their success; and I pray for the sustainment of godly character in the many Christian professional athletes, those who value integrity, chose sexual fidelity in their marriages, and promote the word of God in their lives at every opportunity.  I also pray for the NFL fanbase to continue to stand for God's righteousness and purity in this nation, even as we enjoy watching sports and the talents therein.  May God continue to bless us as we stand for Him in every area of our lives.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.        


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