Rivers of Healing and Revival are Begining to Flow

Greetings in the Lord,

Recently, I posted a word about us "turning a corner" in this virus pandemic, and yes, it is true, even though we look to see evidence of it beginning in the papers and may not find much positive in our neck of the woods just yet.  But we are looking with natural eyes and interpreting things with modern convention and understanding, and even through the lens of flawed theology.  Even now, their are many pastors saying that this pandemic is not a judgment from God; rather, that it is just a natural disaster.  I wonder though, what would a judgment from God look like to them if not the whole world shutting down and having to stay at home for weeks on end doesn't impress them enough. 

Well, truth be told, there does come a time when God's patience runs out and He pulls back His grace to allow nature to take its course.  We read of many such examples in the Bible of war, famine and plague being the events used to return Israel's hearts back to God.  Therefore, we have to know that the central issue is about God creating opportunities for people to WANT to receive His salvation, and for Him to show His love and healing to people who, after finally laying down their pride and stubbornness, seek Him.  I've been prophesying about these types of things for years, and while not popular because no one likes "dooms-day" prophets, I actually see God's loving hand in the midst of it and also believe that His restoration is greater than the terrible events used to get our attention.  In fact, that is my personal testimony.  The Lord saved me from the brink of death from my own sinful choices and restored me unto Himself, so I know what it is to be at death's door and be saved by God.

Anyway, today's word comes from Ezekiel 47 and it talks about the divine vision Ezekiel had of a stream flowing from the Temple of God.  He was led by an angel to see this stream coming from the Temple of God, out of the East Gate to the desert plains down to the Dead Sea.  In this vision, the water flowing from the Temple was symbolizing the life and blessings that come from God.  It was a gentle stream that got deeper and expanded as it flowed out and it caused everything that received this water to flourish: plant life, fruit trees, and all living creatures.  It was a beautiful allegory of the "river of Life" that flows from God through His Son Jesus Christ.  This river is being released throughout the world today.  The life and light and goodness of God is flowing to all those who have trusted in Him and you will begin to experience healing, life, joy and every good thing God has come to give you in this sequestered recovery time.  

As I (and other prophetic speakers have said), this week something shifted in the spirit realm and God was moving, touching the lives of all those being afflicted by the virus and He is now releasing His goodness to those that will receive Him.  Even, "the waters of this stream will make the salty waters of the Dead Sea fresh and pure," meaning, that even those who were dead in their spirits and in their relationship with the Lord will be revived and brought back to spiritual life as they receive His goodness. Praise God!  For that is the Good News that Jesus came to demonstrate by His life, death and resurrection here on earth.  So, not only am I expecting to hear amazing testimonies of how God touched them during their battle with the virus, but people will come out of this sequestered time not just feeling refreshed and revived in their bodies (for all of the sleep they have been able to get!), but more importantly, with a new perspective on what is important in life and desire to give God thanks for His sustaining goodness in getting us through this difficult time.  

Also, we will not forget those that have passed during this plague, but will have a chance to celebrate with loved ones next month their lives and each other as we come out of our isolation to be with extended family and friends again.  Hallelujah!  "But those who die in the Lord will live; their bodies will rise again!  Those who sleep in the earth will rise up and sing for joy! For Your life-giving light will fall like dew on Your people in the place of the dead." Isaiah 26:19    

But for those who hear these promises today and not only scoff and mock and say, "Where? I don't see anything happening," be careful, for as it says in Ezekiel 47:11:  "But the marshes and swamps will not be purified; they will still be salty."

It will be as Isaiah prophesied during his day to rebellious listeners: 
"'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing but never perceiving.' Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed." Isaiah 6:9-10

So, decide this day that you will repent of hardness of heart and straying from the Lord, even if you consider yourself a believing Christian, for we have been in very turbulent and toxic times with many wicked words and deeds being done that have caused a lot of people with unguarded hearts to drift from the Lord Almighty and His words.  I'll say it again, many good people who grew up in the Lord have allowed the past few years especially, to really corrupt them spiritually; they need this holy "time out" to get back to the Lord.  It is His divine grace and love that beckons us back to Him.  But it is a choice we must make; each of us deliberately must lay down those things that have corrupted us and filled us with doubt and unbelief of the truth of Jesus Christ.  

Most of the time, it has nothing to do with the current happenings of our lives, rather, it relates to a time in the maybe distant past to the day when someone hurt us so deeply that we began to doubt and blame God for "abandoning us" during our time of great need--He did not abandon You!  He too, was grieved and angry at what happened, and although He had gotten you through that time and provided for you since then, you had not forgiven Him in your heart and you drifted away into self-sufficiency and pride, taking credit for the good things in your life.  I venture to say, that most people leave their faith in God because of doubt, but that their doubt came on the heels of some lack or bad experience that caused them to ask---"If God really loved me, why did He allow" such and such.  Causing doubt is the oldest trick of the devil, right back to the days of Adam and Eve.  

So, we pray this day that we will begin to thank God for His promises of personal and nationwide restoration and revival.  God is good all the time!  

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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