Quiet Time Needed Till Easter

Greetings in the Lord,

I want to take a minute to provide some updates to previous prophetic words given over the past year up to just a couple of months ago, as some things are and have come to pass.  It is good to acknowledge that and give God thanks for fulfilling His words, even if they are not "positive" per se, for it reminds us that in the midst of everything, God is still in control and we can trust Him.

First off, last month my attention was drawn to a news program highlighting the rise of fascism in Greece.  The program mentioned that while antisemitism seems to be rising all throughout Europe, the escalation of fascism in Greece has gained a strong political movement and has gotten 16 of its adherents elected into their national political legislature.  Immediately, my mind went back to the prophetic word given in December 2019.  This word discussed a rocky transition time and a re-ordering of political dynamics coming to the European Union (and surrounding neighbors) and specifically mentioned Greece, Italy, and Brussels as places to watch for opportunists and new decision-makers to rise up and confront and/or re-write current legislation such as immigration.  However, as this news program revealed, the motives and heart conditions of some of these new leaders/speakers are not pure and they are exploiting the economic distress and social angst of the people for their own agenda.  Of course, national problems like illegal immigration lend themselves quite easily to this anyway, as it is easy to paint immigrants as invaders and the like.  Anyway, I will continue to watch this situation and pray that good and godly people are not swept up in the ugly wave of hate as it lashes the country and stirs up its fervor.

On another note, there were several prophetic words given as far back as 2017 up to 2019 of millennial celebrities and pop stars (Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, to name a couple) beginning to walk out the good things the Lord had decreed for them--deliverance, healing, marriage, second chance to make music again, etc.  How exciting is that?!  I really enjoy hearing them in interviews and on YouTube videos sharing their stories (giving their testimonies) and thanks to God for His hand in it as well.  It is good and right to do so, but probably more fun is the fact that there is Holy Spirit power in that testimony to "do it again," meaning, that as they share it with people, there is an anointing for more blessings and freedom and for those who hear in faith----the power/blessings of their testimony can be embraced by others!  Cool, huh?  That's why when we hear amazing stories of someone going through a hard time, addiction, etc. and of how God helped them to overcome it, we also receive God's grace to overcome in our similar difficulties!  Testimony is a Holy Spirit "catalyst" of deliverance--powerful stuff.  Anyway, I look forward to watching more of those millennial pop stars/celebrities grow into the calling the Lord has in and through them and am reminded to pray for them often, for we do not always understand how hard it is to have such a public platform and to use it for God, if even inadvertently!  It is funny, only a couple of them say publicly that they are Christian, but God knows their heart and who He has called unto Himself, who are we to judge?  We are called to pray for one another, and for those in the world to one day come to know Him as Lord and Savior. 

Lastly, and probably most important for the time at hand, in January 2020 I posted a prophetic word that wasn't quite so cheery, in fact, it talked about widespread disaster occurring, but as I admitted at the time, I didn't receive specifics from the Lord.  No, it was a vague word of warning that hardships of a more natural kind were on the horizon and would affect from the top to the bottom of societies.  I take that word as a reference to the corona virus pandemic that is occurring now, but without panic.  For between prayer and common sense safeguards and actions, we can stay close to the Father during this time and feel His protective hand around us.  But as I keep praying into this, I discern and will reiterate that it will indeed be a serious time for the world.  

The Lord keeps giving Amos 2 + 9 and Ezekiel 11, which not only talk about widespread and severe disaster, but that those people who say "it is time to build" (business as usual) or that, "Nothing bad will happen to us," are dangerously misleading themselves and others.  The chapters specifically mention those leaders who are dismissing the severity of the situation, or even worse, had tried to prevent the truth from getting out about the virus, are bringing calamity to themselves and their nation by doing so.  Also, almost non-existent is the conversation about the spiritual component of the pandemic, in that, what we are being advised to do in the natural: wash hands often, stay home and avoid large gatherings, etc. are mirrored in the spirit--take time out to pray, repent, and draw near to God, for that is where His protection and blessings lie.  I would pray Psalm 91 daily for ourselves and others and do the recommended safety measures until this plague is lifted from our lands, for His promises are our strong, high tower.  But whatever you do, I would not act like this period of time is business as usual. For Christians, it is Lent now anyway, so I would just lean into it, so to speak, with prayer and fasting and quiet time with God and family.  It is time for Christians to walk out their faith and God will respond with miracles, signs and wonders.  Again, I discern that it is not enough to just take all of the precautions in the natural, but we need to as people of faith, begin to recognize and respond appropriately to the spiritual components of daily and world events.  It is in and through that we will see the mighty hand of our God move among us in amazing ways! 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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