Seek His Face While He is Near

Greetings in the Lord,

Well, I've shared a couple of words on this pandemic already and by the lack of activity on the blog site, my guess is that Google has shadow-banned it. What a coincidence, today's word is specifically for that industry worldwide and of this - among other - corrupt business practices.

Recently, many of the prominent social media companies of Silicon Valley banned together to announce that they will delete or demonetize anything that they consider "misinformation" pertaining to COVID-19.  I'm sure that rather seemingly benign announcement zoomed right past many Americans in the chaos.  However, it doesn't take a lawyer to see that "misinformation" is a-catchall term being used by that industry to censor anything they want, similar to how China uses "spreading rumors" to silence truth-tellers and whistle-blowers.  As a law unto themselves, this industry can and has been doing that.  But, the announcement goes on to add that they would do the same to other things that did not break their stated user policies (specifically YouTube). 

Naturally, this "small" add-on caught the attention of those online users who have already been discriminated against and targeted for undue political censorship.  Well, in all fairness to those who have been decrying foul treatment and bias by the social media companies, it truly does sound like it is purge time for comments, political viewpoints, or perspectives that they want to eliminate, but didn't have the perfect opportunity to before.  How convenient this virus plague is for the corrupt, huh?  They simply see a perfect time to move on their agendas, to influence and control the land as they see fit and eliminate competing voices.  Well, as I mentioned in my previous prophetic word, a hallmark of judgment time is that the Lord deals with wickedness and corruption.  The Lord does not take lightly to people suppressing His voice and truth from being heard, whether in Silicon Valley or any other surveillance state where electronic data is used for social and political control.

"For only when You come to judge the earth will people learn what is right.  Your kindness to the wicked does not make them do good.  Although others do what is right, the wicked keep doing wrong and take no notice of the Lord's majesty.  O Lord, they pay no attention to Your upraised fist. Show them Your eagerness to defend Your people." Isaiah 26:9-11

From Exodus 19-23, we read about Moses giving the laws of the Lord to the people of Israel. In keeping of these laws there is blessing, as this is part of the Lord's covenant with His people.  Today's word comes from Chapter 23; it highlights those laws that pertain to justice, namely, that is it essential to be impartial, whether in giving of testimony, daily interactions with people or their property, or in how you handle or carry out your business or executive decisions as it pertains to those you have charge or influence over.  And, accepting bribes, falsely accusing someone, or following the crowd or allowing the popular view to sway you for any cause if the effect will be to pervert justice are big time no-nos.  We have seen many transgressions of these things regularly from the elites of Silicon Valley, which is not surprising, since the Lord's values are not highly esteemed there.

Now, since these companies are as large as any service provider similar to telecommunication companies (and are not publishers as such and therefore NOT responsible for what users put on their platform just like AT&T is not responsible for what we say over the phone), to act as a capricious judge, jury and executioner towards the content that is put on their sites is not only wrong it is extra-legal.  Our country has a judicial legal system and violators who publish truly harmful material online should be prosecuted with the assistance of online companies who provide evidence, not act like a judge, jury, and executioner.  What they are doing is not constitutional or even moral.

Also, since many essential features of our daily life have moved online, including banking, paying bills, medical/insurance/educational interactions, and much more, our electronic data is shared by  private online companies, which in turn, have the ability to ban or obstruct our essential transactions of daily life online, without due process or going through our legal system, and that is wrong too.  It is especially so since they have demonstrated a lack of transparency, accountability, integrity, and impartiality in their business practices already.  At least in China, the social credit system is used as a tool and extension of their government and legal system, so while hugely invasive to the public, it is not a surprise to anyone and there is a court-mandated process for removing oneself from the blacklist and for dealing with other state-sanctioned rulings.  Our current situation with private companies acting like the government but without accountability and transparency is downright dangerous. And this is just an examination of the elites!  Problems with the lack of integrity go right down to the ground level with all the trolling and inconsistent/biased censorship of their monitors.  

Luckily, the Lord will continue to deal with this industry, to try and compel those that can be swayed to righteous behavior to do so.  As I was praying yesterday, I heard the Holy Spirit say that He was going to "plague" that industry.  While surprised at hearing this, I have seen this done before by God.  But to really understand this concept, you should reference the book of Exodus.  The plagues given there had the function of proving who God was and is to the unbelieving Egyptians.  The"signs and wonders" were unexplanable, yet powerful and undeniable examples of God's Sovereignty over the earth and eventually compelled Pharaoh to let the people go.  Therefore, I pray for His good and perfect will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; to compel the "Pharaoh's" of that industry to release their grip and for those who know the Lord in that industry to shine like the sun because His face shines on them; and for those who don't know Him to come to seek the goodness of His face, for the Lord refuses none who seek Him.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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