Strong Hand of the Lord Moving Now

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, there are certainly a lot of prophetic words being fulfilled right now.  First the more difficult word from February about "natural disasters" and other difficult incidents coming to pass--we've had a month of tornadoes, flooding, avalanches, bomb cyclones, blizzards, major financial drops on global stock markets and 2 incidents of hAte ideology acting out in Amsterdam and New Zealand.  Whew!  As if that isn't enough, if I include other sources where I post prophetic words, there has been a fulfillment of a word from July 2018 about the MeToo Movement hitting the "boy" and "girl" pop band music industry of Asia (Korea-K POP and Japan-J POP) and also a word of victory from Psalm 98:1 in that, there was no collusion found between Russia and President Trump.  Any sane person already knew that, but the liberal media had been lying endlessly about it for two years so we can all celebrate with President Trump that the charade is over!  Thank God for that.  But the testing that came with that long ordeal has done its perfect work in all who support God's plans for the United States.  Now we will see that the tables will be turned.  Every plot of the liberal left to undermine Trump will be returned to themselves.  This will be fun to watch!  But we're not done yet.

There were words given in October and November 2018 about the Lord calling public prophetic and evangelistic ministries to "stop building their palaces (ministries) and return to take care of their flock."  Their constant outreach was inadvertently neglecting their own congregations and it was really self-promotion driving them at that point.  Not surprisingly, many missionary ministries were refused visas at that time and returned home and several public prophetic ministries had increasing difficulties until they accepted the new direction God was taking them.  

So today's word is kind of an extension of that prophetic word, in that, now is a special time for many people of God to begin doing the new things that the Lord has destined for them to do.  However, not everyone has said "Yes!" to that calling, and to those I would say, "You will have to make a choice soon as to whom or Whom you will serve."  Specifically, there are industries that are under a spiritual microscope now, such as the music and entertainment industries, and the Lord is going to bring some of His people--the ones that know Him and have been saved out of difficult circumstances but have not decided to dedicate their lives to serving Jesus, to the end of themselves soon so they will be forced to make their spiritual choice. No longer will they be able to have their cake and eat it too, so to speak.  There is an urgency now to get into alignment with the plans of God, if you want continued success.

This same urgency and hanging in the balance is also for the IT/high tech and social media industry.  Large corporations like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and the like are now in a season where their deceptive business tactics and unfair censorship / persecution of political and religious leanings will be exposed on a scale that will shake to the very foundations of their companies.  It is time for them to correct their evil business practices and stop taking bribes that push agendas, or the Lord will lay them low and release people from under their captivity.  Success comes from the Lord, and those that build apart from Him build in vain.  The ax is lifted high, but they do not see it.  

 "In the morning, as Jesus was returning to Jerusalem, he was hungry, and he noticed a fig tree beside the road.  He went over to see if there were any figs, but there were only leaves.  Then he said to it, 'May you never bear fruit again!' And immediately the fig tree withered up."  Matthew 21:18-19.

Likewise, many of the social media / internet giants I mentioned have leaves but no fruit.  They look promising, but  are spiritually barren.  In fact, there is such a strong Antichrist mentality present in those companies that they could very well be cursed down to the root system.  Watch over the next two years as the Lord moves mightily in these industries and begins to strongly sift and refine those who both have a company and work in the industry.  

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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