No More Whitewashing About Failed Immigration Policies

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word is from Ezekiel 13, which is a strong rebuke to all of the false prophets and lying 'diviners' in the land.  Actually, I think the last time I got this passage it was in reference to German Chancellor Merkel, specifically verses 17 thru 23, where the Lord decreed He was going to save His people from the power of lying "daughters" who were misleading the people, and disheartening and harming the righteous while encouraging and enabling the wicked.  It was pretty obvious to me at that time that the whole chapter was the Lord's rebuke in reference to the whitewashing that was/is being done by Merkel's administration to pretend there was/is nothing wrong with their immigration policies.  They had been lying in the news and censoring the truth about the extensive migrant burden and violence being done in Germany--but the Lord said "No more."  She would be removed and the people would be saved from her deceptive lies and oppressive power.  Shortly thereafter, she announced the date that she would be stepping down--the date everyone can exhale a sigh of relief and true rebuilding can begin.

So today, in light of that context, we again look at Ezekiel chapter 13 and its strong words against those that are speaking out of the fallacies of their own mind to whitewash the very real problems in the land.  These "false prophets" are supposed to be reinforcing the walls of the nation and securing the land, but instead they make up lies to cover up very real problems to further their own interests.  I discern that today's word, too, is about immigration policies--the United States'--and those people that are pushing a false narrative of 'peace when there is no peace,' when they should be passing legislation to help all those working at and entering in at our country's borders.  You know there are problems when our country's border agents talk about giving pregnancy tests to girls and women seeking asylum, etc. because of the sexual assaults they endured to get to our border!  

Continuing on in the chapter to verses 17 thru 23, I again discern that this word is for a prominent female in Congress that is using her position to mislead the public into thinking all is well, when things are not.  In fact, by her lies, she is encouraging the wicked and bringing grief and harm to the righteous, all "for a few handfuls of barley and scraps of bread."  Is she taking bribes or getting financial 'favors' in return for her whitewashing lies?  Lord knows, but suffice to say that the Lord is again saying, "No more." 

"...I will set free the people that you ensnare like birds.  I will tear off your veils and save My people from your hands, and they will no longer fall prey to your power....Because you disheartened the righteous with your lies, when I had brought them no grief, and because you encouraged the wicked not to turn from their evil ways and so save their lives, therefore...I will save My people from your hands.  And then you will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 13:20-23

Well, we all know what happened to Merkel, will it be similar this time? Needless to say, it's pretty interesting times we are living in, but a very good time to witness the strong hand of God moving in our midst.  Watch the news and let's see how this plays out; every day the Lord fulfills His words for all to see, for He is a keeper of promises and eternally faithful.  And like I always say, it is best just to fall in line with what He has ordained and things will go very well for you.

Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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