Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind

Greetings in the Lord,

Today's prophetic word comes from Hosea 7 and Jeremiah 28. Taken together these chapters are talking about people who proclaim peace, support, and encouragement for the people of the land and the rulers they serve. However, in Hosea 7, they are deliberately trying to deceive the ruler with their flattery and give a show of support falsely. In reality, they're plotting against the ruler and those that support him and have made alliances with the king's other enemies in order to take him down. However, they do not know the will of God, nor do they accept that this ruler has been placed there by God himself. As surely as they mock and scoff and lie, the Lord who sees all will bring them to ruin and cover them with shame and ridicule. Even more, they do not realize that their plots are really against God Himself, for He directs the course of the ruler and has placed him in his position.

In Jeremiah 28, there is a false prophet that speaks boldly against Jeremiah's word of the Lord. Jeremiah says, "The Lord has decreed that nations must submit to Babylon and serve Nebuchadnezzar. It will go well for those that do."

However, the prophet Hananiah says that Babylon's rule will be broken in two years and all of the exiles and Temple furnishings will be returned to Jerusalem, so resist them now. But that most certainly will not be the case. Instead, God is allowing Babylon to  take charge in the land  and will remove those that do not submit to  their authority. In fact, Hananiah himself will be removed from the land for instigating lies and stirring up rebellion amongst the people.

I do believe that this word is for the United States and the Trump Administration right now, as he has many enemies that are looking for every opportunity to topple him from his position, but it will not happen. Instead, these people will be exposed and ridiculed and laid low in their own careers, says the Lord.

 I have said several times, it is best to get in agreement with the Lord's plans and purposes. This goes for individuals as well as entire nations. For no nation has economic success and authority and security unless the Lord has ordained it. So it is time for all of the rebellious, anti-Trump people to just fall in line and it will go well for them. Otherwise, the next two years will be full of people reaping the bad fruit of the bad seed they had sown against him.
Thanks be to God who is good and faithful.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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