Keep On, Keeping On!

Greetings in the Lord!
Grace, peace, and comfort to all those affected by the siege in Kenya.  Although the neighborhood looked so Western in my dream that I thought it was in the UK, obviously, my dream pertained to the terrible attack in the upscale mall in Nairobi--blessed be to all those who read it, believed the word of the Lord, and prayed His protection over His people in advance!  These are the days where evil forces are plotting trouble often, but God knows their schemes while they are still yet in the planning stages, and He leads us to prayerfully intercede on behalf of all those targeted.  The foretelling of these events is not for kicks and chills, but for Christians to activate their faith and use the most powerful tools made available to us: prayer and fasting!  After the tragedy of course we are moved to help, but prophetic words give us a jump start to action.  God is moved by faith, not desperation, my friends.  The severity of many terrible situations can be lessened, I believe, by our prayerful intervention beforehand.  That is why I publish the prophetic words that the Lord gives me.  To encourage other believers to pray with me.  I also published words that are just for the sole purpose of encouraging believers to 'keep on, keeping on!'  Carrying the cross of Christ each day is lighter and more rewarding than anything this temporal life has to offer.

Today's word comes from Luke, chapter 9.  At the end of Luke 9, Jesus talks to 3 men and in short, tells them these things: 1) in following Me you will suffer hardships, 2) do not let bereavement stop you from preaching the kingdom of God to others, 3) do not let any relationship or longing of the flesh keep you from moving purposely forward, focused in your walk with Jesus.  These are big words to consider on the heels of the traumatic events of the past week.  In the love of the Lord--keep on, keeping on!

My prayer today is that the peace of Christ will comfort those in mourning and His love will strengthen those struggling with hurt and anger to move forward in the grace that can only be found in Him.  Guard your hearts from hatred and violence, for that is the bondage of those who persecute the Church.  But we are free in Christ, blessed beyond measure, trusting our souls to Him who alone gives salvation, and allowing no fear of man to stop our walk in Christ.  To the name above all names, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    


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