The Lord Has Stirred Hearts To Build

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Haggai 1:13-15:
"Then Haggai, the Lord's messenger, gave this message of the Lord to the people: "I am with you," declares the Lord. So the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of the whole remnant of the people. They came and began to work on the house of the Lord Almighty, their God, on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month in the second year of King Darius."

~What project has the Lord stirred your heart to undertake? Know for sure that He says, "I am with you." In the passage the Israelites were being called to stop working on their own houses, i.e., their own projects, and start to build what the Lord had put in their hearts to do...and He was with them. For, "Unless the Lord builds it, the workers labor in vain," right? Yes, it's true; and more than that, the Lord will be with us while we do what He has laid upon our hearts. The project before you is not too big--just step out in faith and see!

Now, on a side note I want to share with everyone that I will be in the process of moving from my home in Iron Mountain to a city downstate tomorrow. It has been a good experience living here, and I'm sure I'll be back up this way again--most likely later this summer for the next Jubilee celebration..more on that later. SO, for the next couple days I will not be able to share with you daily prophetic words, but will write just as soon as I get all snuggled in again. Blessings! ~MJ


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