Redeemed by the Lord

Greetings in the Lord!

Today the Lord has put on my heart to share about the dream I had this morning. In this dream I was talking with a young woman at her fabulous house, beside her pool. Everything around us was amazingly wonderful--it was obvious that her family was VERY rich. In fact, I said to her, "No one is ever going to believe I was at the Hilton's house." However, our conversation quickly turned from cordial and light to serious and heartfelt, as she was concerned about her life and for her sister's, too. I began to tell her about Jesus. Just as I got started, her sister Paris walked up to us looking really sad and defeated--like she had been crying. I looked at her and said, "Jesus can take away the shame of your sins. Ya know, the shameful things we do while we're young." She looked happy to hear that and wanted to hear more with her sister about the Good News of Jesus Christ, so I told her. The Lord has a wonderful plan for both of them. By the end of the dream I felt as if Paris became a modern-day Mary Magdalene--delivered and redeemed by Jesus and became a disciple.

This is just one of many dreams and visions the Lord has given me in which I share with a celebrity or political leader about Jesus and pray with them that they will come to know and serve the Lord with all the talent and gifts and resources they have been blessed with. In the summer of 2005 the Lord gave me a word specifically about Black American celebrities--decreeing that they should return to Him and be blessed, or they could continue in their ways and suffer shame. The word came from Judges 8, about Gideon building a golden ephod with the gold the Israelites gave him because of his many victories...victories the Lord gave him. Those ephods ended up leading the Israelites into idolatry. Likewise, said the Lord, Black American celebrities have been raised to know and serve the Lord and the Lord has blessed them with victories. Then, they have gone on to make "ephods" to lead the Black community into idolatry. On 8/23/05 the Lord said to Black American celebrities and athletes:
"Destroy your golden ephods and return to me! Purify yourselves and rise to do My work. I will heal and deliver you. Whitney Houston, you will sing again; I will command the enemy to loosen his grasp on you. 50Cent return to Me, my son. Denzel, I need you. Ricky you will run again! Black comedians, fill people's hearts with joy, not profanity! Puffy, it matters not what you wear on the outside--I tell you, 'Be clean on the inside!' Return to me or I will remove each of you from your position and fill your life with shame and disgrace. No longer will you eat and scatter the flock. BB, play for Me!" As I received that word, I saw many other faces in my mind that I figured were Black American celebrities that I just did not know, so I discerned the word was for all of the Black American community. Obviously, since August of 2005, there have been many well noted Black celebrities to fall into shame, and also to rise and be honored for their devotion to the Lord.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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