Dreams From the Master

Greetings in the Lord!

So it seems for the past couple months the Lord has been sending me to minister to different groups on Thursday night...so when I woke up yesterday I wondered where the Lord would be sending me. As it turned out, my pastor called me at work and asked if I would be willing to lead Senior High Youth group at our church that night. I agreed and then began to ponder in the few hours beforehand what the Lord wanted me to share with that group. He led me to Job 33:14-18; Genesis 28:10-18; 32:22-32; 37:5-11; 40:8-23; and chapter 41. I will not write out all those scriptures in this writing, but give you an idea of what the Lord wanted me teach those young adults.

First, the scripture in Job acknowledges that God does speak to us in our dreams--and a couple of the kids had some experiences to share about that. It was an interesting place to begin, I thought, as that passage talks about how God speaks warnings to us in our dreams "to keep him (us) from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit." I discerned an urgent and strong message for those youth in that beginning scripture.

The next passage was about God making His promise to Jacob about inheriting the land, having many descendants, and always being His God. We discussed what it meant to have a "God encounter" of this sort---a Promise dream--in that, God has a wonderful promised future for all of us, even if our current circumstances do not reflect the promises He has put on our hearts. 'Promise dreams' often carry us through difficult times because we know the Lord has good things in store for us.

The next passage came from Genesis 32:22-32. It is when Jacob had a dream of wrestling God and receiving a new name from the Lord. These 'new name' dreams help us to know we are not the person who people say we are, but we have been redeemed and are "a new creature in Christ." These dreams 'download' the real us, into us, so to speak. When we wake up, we will know all our struggles have not been in vain, but will have a realization that the Lord was at work in our lives reshaping and molding us into who He called us to be.

Then, we read Genesis 37:5-11 and talked a great deal about the wonderful hopes and dreams the Lord has put into us that sometimes provoke jealousy from others, just like it did to Joseph with his brothers in this passage. It was here that I noticed a difference within the high school group. They got reflective and while they could understand jealousy, they wondered why the brothers believed it so much and whether or not they could know those dreams were from God. It lead into a discussion of faith, and the general unbelief that exists today...it was revealing some of the spiritual pitfalls of their generation.

Lastly, we read Genesis 40:8-23 and 41:9-16. Both those passages dealt with "prophetic dreams," and opened up a good discussion about understanding how God can speak to us prophetically through our dreams---and that interpretation of them comes from the Lord. We discussed all the "counterfeit sources" people rely on and turn to instead of praying and believing in the Lord for understanding and direction. We are to ask the Lord only and listen for His response to know and understand dreams.
The Lord is up to something good with those kids. :)
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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