Young Hearts Following Him

Greetings in the Lord!

For today's word the Lord has put on my heart to share a little event from today. Actually, probably not many in attendence understood the Spirit was moving, but it was. Tonight the Lord put on my heart to re-visit the student Bible study held on campus, comprised of mainly Black students. What a wonderful group they are--full of love for the Lord and hungry for His Word! For two weeks now the Lord has been giving me little tidbits of what's on His heart for them--things to teach, share, and encourage them with. And like I do, I say, "Yes Lord, I'm willing to tell them, just provide the opportunity." Tonight was the night. It started with the Lord putting a hunger in the leader's heart for prophecy, as the Word tells us that we should all desire to prophesy. Then, casually and nonchalantly, as the Lord gave opportunity, I was able to share with them the things that have been laid on my heart from the Father: teachings and scripture about unity, accepting others that are different, humility, and so on. The Lord is so great, He provided one perfect opportunity after another to share and teach--while I just felt the presence of the Spirit. The Lord is awesome! I may never get to see the end result of the seeds that were planted (or the watering or pruning, as the case may be), but it is enough to know that He was leaving footprints in their hearts and whispering His wise counsel in their ears for them to follow.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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