
I'd LIke to Call My Life-Line, Regis

Greetings in the Lord! Yesterday the Holy Spirit was talking about how just as many evangelists have a healing gift and preachers have a teaching gift, many prophets are gifted with raising the dead by speaking the Lord's words of life to others. As I pondered that I recalled that Elijah had cried out to the Lord for the widow's son to be revived and the Lord returned his life, and that Elisha did the same with another little boy. "OK, Lord, why are you telling me this?" I asked. Later that day I spoke with a young man from New Orleans. As he shared his story about all the places he has lived since being displaced from there (from Hurricane Katrina), I felt that our conversation was a divine appointment. One of the recent cities he has lived at was Austin, Texas, so we began to compare stories (I had lived there in the early 90s). As it turned out, he too loved the city but had a traumatic spiritual experience there similar to myself. I listened as he said he w...

The Odyssey

Greetings in the Lord! It's been funny to me how the Lord has been talking about the United States and of her educational/political/linguistic heritage descending from the ancient Greeks. While many of my studies over the years had included these (I was a politics major with science, math & education classes), I had never really thought about how much of our culture had been impacted by Greek mathematicians , doctors and philosophers. Imagine too, how surprised I was when the Lord started to teach me about some of the demonic strongholds in our nation as having their roots in Greek mythology and paganism. Weird stuff. Actually, when I realized that the apostle Paul had evangelized in much the same environment , I got a better understanding of what the Lord was talking about. So, when the Holy Spirit quickened my spirit with this prophetic word, I was able to understand where He was coming from and appreciated its relevance all the more. He said this, "Just as Odysseus wa...

I Look to You

Greetings in the Lord! Well, the summer is over and fall always zooms in like a whirlwind. I've had so many things to write about lately, but honestly, have gotten out of habit of writing as I felt this summer it was imparative to finish up on my book...btw, it will be available on in a couple of weeks! :) So, now with only finishing details left to go, it's back to sharing with all of you some of the things that have been going on. On September 1st, as I was editing one of the chapters in my book, I came across a prophetic word the Lord gave regarding His love and earnest plea to Black American celebrities for them to return to Him. He said this, in the summer of 2005: “Return to Me, O My children! Return to Me! Whitney, sing for Me! Run for Me, Ricky! Denzel, My son, come back to Me. Puffy, it matters not what is on the outside but let the inside be clean. Return to Me, My children! BB, play for Me!” After I read that I saw an online article about Whitney Houston p...

Political Participants Not Bystanders

Greetings in the Lord! Recently the Lord had me read Mark 12:13-17, then again for emphasis, Matthew 22:15-22. Both passages tell the story of Jesus being set up by Pharisees and the Herodians by their asking him, "Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, and he asked them," Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?" "Caesar's," they replied. Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." While there are many things to be gleaned from that story, I immediately discerned by looking at the pile of "junk mail" I'd received from political organizations that the Lord was asking me to start sowing financially to some of these organizations. Why? Because they are stepping in and speaking out where the...

Stanley Hotel

Greetings in the Lord! Have you ever been praying to God about one thing and have Him completely shift gears on you and throw in a "curve ball" assignment? Well, God likes to do that to me from time to time. Like, take this past Monday for example. Monday was my day off of work and out of the blue I had the strong desire to drive two hours to Estes Park, Colorado and take a historic/ghost tour at the famous Stanley Hotel. If you will recall, this is the hotel where Stephen King got the idea and wrote his book, The Shining. Never having been there, it seemed doubly odd that I would desire to go and take a ghost tour too, as I'm not normally inclined to do such things. Well, if anyone saw the ABC television version of The Shining mini-series, they would most certainly recognize the sights, as it was filmed entirely at the Stanley and they have not changed anything since then. And well, I did get the creeps a couple times on the tour and easily felt the presence of unclean s...

Chanel No. 7

Greetings in the Lord! "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth--for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the maidens love you!" Song of Songs 1:2-3 I wanted to share with all of you the rather unique season of ministry that I've been in since May. Actually, preparation for this season began in March when the Lord brought to my attention a genre of video/ internet games that are quite popular these days--they have to do with Greek mythology (and the paranormal and possession). I was flabergasted to find out that these types of games have given birth to a whole undercurrent or sub-culture within the "gaming" industry and growing leaps and bounds into "conventional" culture as well that is hostile to Christianity. Entire social lives are being spent participating in these games, which is leading to a resurgence of demonology, ( ie , Greek mythology) wit...

Get Informed--A Testimony

Greetings in the Lord! I am having a busy summer as I'm sure many of you are, but wanted to take a minute to pass along an article written by an ex-Muslim now living in the US. He sheds light on some current happenings in the Muslim world that are very important for Westerners, especially Christians, to be aware of: what happens when a Muslim converts to Christianity. ~If You Convert You Die By: Nonie Darwish ~ (Monday, August 03, 2009 ) A Muslim woman openly challenges Islamic apostasy laws from within the Muslim world. Very few people in the West know what is going on inside the Muslim world and what it portends for them. The fact is that through the dominant media, such as CNN, Americans are subjected to much of the same misinformation with regard to Islam that I grew up with inside the Muslim world. The result is that Americans are in the dark attempting to formulate their strategy of how to defend themselves against the th...

News from LA

Greetings in the Lord! Over the 4 th of July I was out in LA. No matter how many times I visit there, I never ceased to be amazed by the propaganda the enemy puts out nonchalantly in movies to try and undermine or mock the move of God happening there. For example, the past couple of times the Lord had me go out there for ministry, one of the prophetic words He had me share was about the raising up of " Esthers " and " Deborahs " within the Hollywood celebrity community. Many of these women may or may not know the Lord intimately now, but the Lord is stirring their hearts just the same for spiritual revival and salvation. So what poster is plastered all around LA at the moment? "Orphan;" with the leading character a disturbed orphan girl named, you guessed it, Esther. She appears so angelic and cute that the family loves to bring her home, but then the rest of the story is all a Hollywood horror film. There have been several prophetic words concerning God ...

Just Say No to Harry Potter

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word actually takes me back two years ago to when the Lord first began speaking from Joel 2:1-17. In the month of June the Lord told me to fast for 40 days so I did. At that time I was living near to St. Louis, Missouri and working at a YMCA day camp for school-aged children. It was a valuable teaching season as well as "assignment" from the Lord, as He was showing me firsthand the devastating effects of witchcraft and sorcery (mainly in the form of Harry Potter books) on children and adults alike. At this day camp most of the counselors were really into Harry Potter and a good number of the children, too. The Lord showed me demons and unclean spirits that were in and around those people, and also the common "side effects" for them both physically and behaviorally. I was shocked! Not only were the kids negatively affected health wise with ADD, diabetes, accident/sickness prone, etc., but I saw rampant bullying, the speakin...

Covenant Keeper

Greetings in the Lord! Hosea 6-8 talk more about the prevalent incorrect mindset of Ephraim (those who know God but deny His will and word in their lives and chase after worldly things instead), and cites a few trends we as Christians need to pray specifically about for this country. First, we read in chapter 6 an overall insincere acknowledgement of the reasons why Ephraim is suffering judgment from God--they act like, "God is good; He'll get us out of this mess in no time because we are His children. Surely our hard times will go away because God loves us." But the Lord says, "Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears...For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." Hos.6:4b,6. Those verses are pointing out that talk is cheap and obligation is not faithfulness. The Lord desires a people who love and trust Him, not do the religious hokey- poky one day a week and live however they wa...

Butterfly of Hope

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word is from Hosea chapters 12-14. These chapters again address the distinction the Lord makes between an "Ephraim/Israel/Samaria" mindset and a "Jacob/Judah/Jerusalem" mindset in this country. The Lord has for several years now been giving me that example to define and illustrate the separation process that has been happening in America through His eyes. Those of the "Northern Kingdom" are worldly and idolatrous, rebelling against God and His statutes and pushing a worldly agenda for this nation contrary to the will of God. On the other hand, there are many of the Judah tribe, who are wanting to hold fast to God and His ways and are the ones fighting to remain a people called and separate unto God. But as we know and chapter 12 of Hosea reminds us, Ephraim and Judah alike both were needing to return to the Lord. While Ephraim ran headlong into rebelling against God and seeking earthly fortunes, Jacob too had been u...

Prowling Lions

Greetings in the Lord! Lions, tigers and bears--oh no! Yes, more prophetic words from the Lord referring to wild animals, only this time it is specifically about lions. In 2 Kings 17, it tells us about the events and reasons for the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel: spiritual idolatry and the apostasy of the Israelites. They stubbornly continued to worship foreign gods and idols, even though they were told many times to repent by prophets. Therefore the Lord turned His back on them and sent them into exile by the hand of the Assyrians. Now here's the interesting part: after Assyria deported Israel from their towns and reoccupied those cities with foreigners, lions came and attacked the people. In fact, there was so much devouring that they wrote to the king of Assyria and requested to know the "requirements" of the God of the land (Israel)--since none of them knew or worshipped God. Therefore an Israelite priest was sent back by the Assyrian king to teach them...

Healthy Choice

Greetings in the Lord! This week the Lord has given me two dreams with very similar instances in both, and a movie to emphasize the same point: listening to deceiving/enticing spirits. I think this is something that many Christians familiar with the prophetic movement worry about to a certain degree, actually. Anyhoo , in both dreams a woman came up to me and was whispering very close to my mouth, trying to disarm and lure me with their soothing words. In the first dream the woman was older, probably in her 70s or 80s, but had jet black hair instead of grey and her fingernails were beautifully painted with big diamond rings on her fingers. She was so elegant looking that I wanted to warm up to her, but I ended up being completely repulsed by her every time she spoke. She asked me how old I was and I became angry, knowing that she knew very well how old I was; she was only trying to entice me to listen to her, to warm up to her and give ear to what she had to say. She pretended to ...

Fires at Our Shores

Greetings in the Lord! Sometimes there are verses in the Word that really make me scratch my head, like this one for example: "Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being." Proverbs 20:30 Now I know there are several good Proverbs that give guidance about raising godly children and even what to do with foolish people, and they both seem to advocate a certain amount of forcefulness, but the above verse is almost alarming! Obviously, it is saying that sometimes it is necessary to use severe punishment to restrain evil or deter wicked behavior. The Lord also lead me to Psalm 106, which is a confession of Israel's long history of rebellion and a prayer for His mercy to save them again. The psalm tells of the Lord using severe judgments to bring about correction for their wicked behavior. Needless to say, I asked the Lord for more information to understand what He was saying now to us in these passages. He gave me this vision: I saw a map of the U...

Sent or Not

Greetings in the Lord! All week the Lord has been giving me passages from Jeremiah chapters 23 and 29. Those can be hard passages to digest, since they deal pointedly with prophets speaking lies in God's name, abusing their power, and purposely misleading people with dreams and visions from their own imaginations to elevate themselves. In chapter 29 we see that one even tried to have Jeremiah locked up for speaking the true word of the Lord! Jeremiah was telling the people something exactly opposite of what other prophets were saying, but they were telling lies to win the people over, strengthen their position, and more than likely, were just envious of Jeremiah's calling. In order to better understand what is being addressed, I would like to refer to some of the points the Abingdon Bible commentary makes regarding these chapters and verses: 1) Jeremiah 23:1-4 This short passage talks about unfaithful leaders being replaced; they have not cared for the people the Lord has en...

Woman at the Well

Greetings in the Lord! Last June I was sent to LA and had lunch with a friend at a restaurant along Sunset strip. The Lord had showed me in a dream where He wanted us to eat--it was a place right between a couple clubs where famous celebrities had died of drug overdose in the past. As we sat there talking, the Holy Spirit began to quicken my heart: "All along here celebrities come down from their homes, their luxurious prisons, and come to these 'watering holes' looking for a drink. They are so thirsty they will drink the dirty waters served up in these places...but many will not return home. Instead, they end up dying here, drinking polluted water. Most have been 'cleaned' up and gotten dirty again several times, in and out of rehab, like a dog returning to its vomit." The Holy Spirit went on to tell my friend that he has a calling to witness to this crowd, as his profession gives him contact to many celebrities in LA. Now, nearly a year later, I discer...

Wild Animals

Greetings in the Lord! On April 14 th I felt led to read the book of Revelation, which quite surprised me, as it is rare that I read from that book of the Bible. In fact, one time the Lord put it on my heart to read the whole Bible, and I did, up to the 16-17 th chapters of Revelation. Then it was like a hit a wall and could not go on. Well, this time was similar. I read to about the 10 th chapter and hit that wall again. So, instead of trying to continue, I re-read the notes I took for the 1-10 chapters and examined some of the things that jumped out to me this time; namely, I took note of how often seas and rivers were mentioned, most specifically in chapter 8 where at the 2 nd and 3rd trumpet blasts the rivers and sea were struck with plague-like calamities reminiscent of the plagues in Egypt. The other verse that stood out profoundly to me was Revelation 6:8: "I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close be...

No More Jolly Roger

Greetings in the Lord! Not too long ago I had a conversation with a lady who lived with her husband on the seas, as it were, as they have an ocean-going vessel they call "home." During our conversation I felt the urging of the Lord to pray for her, for "fire" to fill her and touch all those around her wherever she goes. What I did not print on that blog is how we talked about the Lord saying "piracy" and showing me a vision of the coasts of Africa. Since she lives literally on the sea, it was like she had the "authority" to pray in Jesus' name for the seas. The "piracy" situation may sound a little weird for our Western ears and even images of Hollywood movies may come to mind--but be alert, this is a serious issue. It is not the first time our nation has had to deal with this by a long shot, but our forefathers were not shy about identifying and addressing publically the root cause of this particular kind of piracy: Islamic doc...