I'd LIke to Call My Life-Line, Regis
Greetings in the Lord! Yesterday the Holy Spirit was talking about how just as many evangelists have a healing gift and preachers have a teaching gift, many prophets are gifted with raising the dead by speaking the Lord's words of life to others. As I pondered that I recalled that Elijah had cried out to the Lord for the widow's son to be revived and the Lord returned his life, and that Elisha did the same with another little boy. "OK, Lord, why are you telling me this?" I asked. Later that day I spoke with a young man from New Orleans. As he shared his story about all the places he has lived since being displaced from there (from Hurricane Katrina), I felt that our conversation was a divine appointment. One of the recent cities he has lived at was Austin, Texas, so we began to compare stories (I had lived there in the early 90s). As it turned out, he too loved the city but had a traumatic spiritual experience there similar to myself. I listened as he said he w...