2023 Dial M for...

 Greetings in the Lord,

Well, as prophetic speakers do, the first of the year is when they share what the Lord is putting on their hearts for the upcoming year, and I am no different.  Sometimes the word will come in the late fall or at the end of the year.  Sometimes it comes around the Lunar New Year time (Jan-Feb) as it did for me this year.  No telling how the Spirit will move from year to year, but suffice to say He does...and then, you have to deal with what the word is as that can be just as unpredictable.

This year's prophetic word is along those lines.  Really, I started to get some rather intense words in December, but wanted to digest it awhile as I wasn't sure how they fit in the big scheme of things yet.  They were words of treachery, people pregnant with evil schemes and planned upheavals and wicked ambitions desiring to burst forth.  Then, there were God's plans to thwart and expose such evilness.  Spiritually and politically speaking, we are in a most tumultuous time in many places and 2023 will prove to be a bumpy ride overall, I discern.

For starters, it began in the fall with the string of mysterious Russian billionaire deaths and a few in the Big Tech industry as well.  Obviously, these were not organic deaths but many disagreed as to why or what they were about exactly and who was responsible.  Then, at the end and start of the year, there were the usual "mysterious" or questionable sudden deaths in the entertainment industry, but everyone knows that is the predictable sacrifice time.  However, in January there was a sudden mysterious death that seemed to signal an altogether different season was at hand.  It was the death of Lynette Hardaway, or better known as "Diamond" of Diamond and Silk, a black conservative political commentating duo and staunch supporters of Donald J Trump.  Official records state her passing was due to heart-related issues, but nobody really believes that after hearing the details of what happened as it definitely sounds more like a poisoning of sorts.  It is common knowledge that there are drugs that simulate heart attack symptoms and leave the victim's system within 24 hours, so her passing is suspect to me and many others.   

That's when the Holy Spirit started to put some things on my heart.  In January while in L.A, He began talking about the many unexplanable deaths of famous people that happen in hotel rooms.  Usually occult numerology are associated with those dates or room numbers, like 13 or 9 or 6 or 23.  In fact, I discerned that 2023 would be filled with such unexplanable incidents, for many nefarious reasons.

Now, there are various prominent prophetic speakers talking about the unleashing of an "Athaliah" spirit which operates in the manner I'm talking about, and they are calling for a time of prayer/fasting and declaring Psalm 91 for protection and that is good.  But I would also add is, that this volatile season is operating within the larger picture of 2 Samuel 3, where the "war between the house of David and the house of Saul goes on a long time."  And while the prophetic community is calling for prayer and fasting for the prophets, I believe they should also include those prophetic voices speaking in the secular arenas as well, like Lynette, as the crux of this season will be played out in the political sphere (and Big Tech).  

Actually, the political turbulence we have been enduring was ushered in dramatically with the inauguration of Obama.  From that perspective, this really has been a long war.  And as we see from the scriptural references given now, they are pertaining to the latter descendants of this war being played out.  Athaliah was Jezebel's daughter and Ish-Bosheth was Saul's son.  But in this continuing, very treacherous political time which is happening, the "war" escalates considerably.  What used to be done by intrigue and skillful persuasion, i.e. "smooth" lies, will take a violent turn where outright murder by any means will be planned.  In the most dangerous ways, people who have already been given to bribes and deception in the past will simply plot brazen plans to eliminate those in their way.  This will continue through the next election in 2024 as jockeying for power goes into deadly overdrive.

So that's where I discern, the targeting of prominent prophetic speakers will be included, as the "war" will look to take down anyone who speaks from a sizeable and influential platform to conservative Christians, (i.e. a coveted voting bloc) since bribery, lies and infiltration will have little success there.  In that light, it is time to pray Psalm 91 over prophetic speakers both within and outside of the Church as it is necessary; the days are wicked indeed.  Simply put: prophetic and conservative speakers with a sizeable influence have been under spiritual attack, but these days they are being targeted in the natural, to be sure.  Pray for those who have these platforms that the hand of God will protect them and that wicked schemes coming against them will be exposed and come to nothing.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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