Push, Push, Push on Through!

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Exodus 17 and highlights a couple of teaching points for us to remember in this current season of pushing through.  "Pushing through?" you ask.  Yes, we are in a birthing season, similar to what we read about in John 16:20-22, where God is bringing to fulfillment many promises to people and nations--this season.  When you read the news and see agitating events taking place--wars, upheavals, new leaders in office and the like, you should understand and discern that birthing pains are happening all around us.  And yet, as Exodus 17 shows us, we can often feel like we've been stranded and forgotten in a desert.  "What is this 'freedom' we have?  We are wandering, thirsty and hungry in a desert!"  Ah, but God is birthing a nation (s)!

Nevertheless, the complaints of the Israelites against Moses were like complaining against God...and not a good idea.  Why would you vex the only One who can save you?  In complete frustration Moses appeals to God to intervene, asking, "What am I to do with these people?  They are almost ready to stone me!"

Of course, God hears and responds telling Moses to strike the rock and He provided water...lesson one: stop complaining--God provides.  When everything looks hopeless in a dry and desolate land, God provides.

Next, the Amalekites see the weary Israelites and decide to attack without any provocation.  That, too, is a teaching point.  The world is full of spiritual "Amalekites," those who will attack when you are tired and weak and seemingly vulnerable.  More than that, "Amalekites" try to abort the plans and purposes of God--to stop God's birthing process.  We know that this sin was very great in the eyes of God, and He declares to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven." 

Likewise, I discern that many in the body of Christ are not just enduring a prolonged season of drought, but are contending with Amalekites as well.  Probably even as you read this some of you are having your spiritual light bulb turn on--"Wow!  That's right!  This situation is more than just difficult, it is actually trying to stop the promises of God from being fulfilled in my life!"  Well, you're in luck--Exodus 17 ends with just the solution to this problem.

We see Joshua leading the fighting campaign, fully equipped with his faith in God and military prowess, and most importantly, his loyalty to Moses to follow his lead.  Joshua is fully submitted to God and Moses' leadership, he doesn't doubt Moses' position with God.  Likewise, this is not a time to contend with good spiritual leadership.  Fall in line and take your position in the place God has you. Next, we see Moses taking his place on the top of the hill, prayerfully petitioning God for victory.  Aaron and Hur are there too, supporting Moses' uplifted arms.  It is a picture of unity, faithfulness, submission and humility that stirs the heart of God to move on their behalves.

Therefore, we can understand that now is the time to stand with 2 or 3 other believers and prayerfully petition the Lord for victory.  Though the fight be long, do not waver or give up!  This submission to each other and humble persistence to God will touch His heart to move.  Breakthrough and yes, births will be delivered this hour!  The Amalekites will be defeated in Jesus' name!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   



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