Changing of the Guard

Greetings in the Lord!

It's so interesting how the Lord speaks to us using symbolic imagery in our dreams to convey what He is trying to say. For example, in the past 2 months the Lord had given me several dreams with a large red brick building in it, which I discerned symbolized the US government.

One of my early dreams was of my witnessing the changing of guard at a red brick building, which happened yesterday at the inaugration of Barack Obama. In my dream, I saw military troops coming back into the building very quickly and a group of blue drab uniforms going out of the building to take their place. I discerned it was our actual military troops being brought home very quickly from Iraq, and it seemed like a group of ill-equipped "peace-keepers" were sent out to appease people. Along with the returning military troops there were many traditional social groups like the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts being called back into the building, as well as female drum majorettes and other distinctly American patriotic groups. To me it signified a time of loss of freedom and liberty (especially to women) and membership in these social groups. This changing of the guard is the beginning of a differrent era in the United States for sure, one we may not recognize or be too fond of I'm thinking.

On 1/16/09 I had another dream of a red brick building. This time Obama was standing on a high platform next to the building and was completely grey in appearance, although by the outline of him it was clearly him. In the dusk skies over him the word "RE-OPENED" appeared in huge white letters and I heard a man say, "Well, he's lucky he brought the work back to the United States (US companies still in business), he's bought himself a little bit of time." I did not see who said that from the crowd of (skeptic) onlookers around me, but it seemed to signify that there will be an upswing or recovery in our recession in the next few months.

After that I had a key to the red brick building and started to enter through a side door and another person had a key to enter through another side door and a third person knocked to enter through the main front door. All of us entered the red brick building. I felt as if that meant that in the coming months there will be people that have inside access to the political process that will be investigating the "grey" issues surrounding Obama, specifically about his father, finances, associations, and his true birthplace. In the last part of my dream there was a woman who had the answers but was keeping them to herself.

May God continue to guide and direct His people in these days and shine His Light for all to see. Also, may we be ever knowing that God is in control and knows all things and reveals His truth to those who are knocking, asking, and seeking it. "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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